Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Christianity And Its Effects On Modern Culture And Society
Jabari Baptiste Christopher Martinez REL2300 14 November 2014 Christianity and its Effects on Modern Culture and Society Christianity, the way and teachings of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. It is the largest and most popular religion in the world with about a whopping 2.1 billion religious followers positioned all around the world. Christianity has had such an important impact on the course of the history of the world since its creation about 2,000 years ago that even today both Christian followers and non-Christians still follow the moral and ethical teachings presented by Jesus Christ within Christianity in their everyday lives. These moral and ethical teachings of Jesus Christ have made such a great impression throughout the years since its creation that today most non-Christians at least tend to respect Jesus as a great moral and ethical leader and teacher, but turn their back to the spiritual supernatural aspect of him. To most historians the Bible is usually described as a book like no other. It is a sacred text that can arguably be consider ed the most influential book ever published in the history of the world. Its powerful message has affected every department of human nature and human interaction. The contents of the biblical scriptures has supplied the themes and inspiration to drive the greatest poets, artists and musicians which the world has ever seen, and it has been the mightiest factor of all in shaping the moral progression of the human race. Christianity hasShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of The Gnostic Movement On The Way Of Looking At The World Essay1650 Words  | 7 Pagesthe elements are not associated with the current practises of Christianity. However, the underlying belief in a single and absolute higher power remains. 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Olaudah Equianos account of his life as a slave is directed at the problemRead MoreIs It The Most Acceptable?1310 Words  | 6 Pagestown you stop at you’ll notice a handful of churches nearby. By the end of your trip you might summize that Americans are obsessed with religion. This of course raises the question of â€Å"Why?†. Why is Christianity so incredibly popular in America? Is it the placebo effect? Is it our culture? Is Christianity just the most reasonable thing to believe? According to a poll from ABC news 83% of Americans Identify as Christians. Different sources will give a range of numbers on this (Pew Research Center, GallupRead MoreImperialism In The 19Th Century Resulted In European Countries1726 Words  | 7 Pagespast-with all its imperfections-was not one long night of savagery from which the first Europeans acting on God’s behalf delivered them†(Chinua Achebe on the Role of the African Writer, 1964). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Child Protective Services The Role Of Substance Abuse,...
Engagement in Child Protective Services: The Role of substance Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Race Engagement can be defined in many ways including, attendance, participation, collaboration, compliance and motivation. Parents play a huge role in their children’s life, but, sometimes parents do not engage much with their children which can face significant negative consequences. Substance abuse affects lives in a negative way therefore, parents should be more engaging with their children so they can prevent their children of being victims of drugs, alcohol, or other substances. There are two primary factors for the focus on parental engagement. The minimal level of engagement is necessary in order for families to receive the benefit of child welfare services. The second primary factor is that the courts decides the legal actions of parental engagement. Some families who are victims of substances also struggle with housing or mental illness issue. There are several actions of behavior lack of engagement which includes parents not making appointments for their children on tim e, as well as not allowing a social work to enter to their home, and the lack of following up with treatment goals and inconsistent contract with their children. Parental engagement has been a challenge for child protection workers. When a family is going through issues like violence or substance abuse it is hard to focus on the children. Not having connection or communication with children canShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence and Its Effect on Children4845 Words  | 20 Pagesdomestic violence homes are constantly being exposed to verbal and physical abuse, directly or indirectly, it has to account for some form of damage within them. They generally suffer in silence, but often develop high levels of aggression, anger issues and anxiety, and often become depressed, there is even a potential to develop Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Therefore, it is imperative that research continue to be conducted in order to further understand how being exposed to domestic violence willRead MoreDomestic Violence and Social Problems1268 Words  | 6 PagesDomestic violence is a devastating social problem that impacts every sector of our population. D omestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner(USDOJ,2012). Domestic violence can be physical, economic, emotional, sexual, or psychological. Physical domestic violence is an attempt to impose physical injury such as grabbing, slapping, hitting, biting, etc. Physical violence can alsoRead MoreIntimate Partner Violence ( Rdp ) Or Domestic Violence3392 Words  | 14 PagesIntroduction Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) or domestic violence (DV) reportedly affects more than 5 million Americans each year (Goodley Fowler, 2006). IPV is the most common cause of nonfatal injury to women it the United States (U.S.). It is an ongoing issue that was first widely recognized as a major societal concern in the 1970’s (Nicholls Hamel 2015). It is a significant problem with critical consequences for an individuals overall health and well-being. IPV not only has acute effectsRead MorePower Duties of a Social Worker4076 Words  | 14 Pagesresolution of these case studies. It also demonstrates an ability to study relevant law in social work practice and have a critical and analytical understanding of the service delivery standards and powers and duties of social workers, demonstrate a working knowledge and understanding of key areas of welfare law that are significant to service users analyses the tensions and dilemmas that arise in the implication of the law in socia l work practice and be able to demonstrate a commitment to the anti-oppressiveRead MoreFemale Criminality11608 Words  | 46 Pagescommitting crimes at an elevated rate, along with committing different crimes than their male counterparts. Elizabeth Cauffman notes in her research that female crime has been linked to chronic behavioral problems during childhood, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health problems and disorders such as emotional disturbance and depression, which is directly linked to conduct disorder (Cauffman, 2008, pp.6). By 2006, females accounted for 41% of arrests for larceny, 33% of arrests for forgery and counterfeitingRead MoreEpekto Ng Polusyon19213 Words  | 77 PagesDomestic violence: Moving On A Qualitative Investigation Exploring How women Move On From Violent Relationships Researcher: Carole Le Darcy Supervisor: Dr Sue Becker Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincerest thanks and gratitude to all of the exceptionally strong women that participated in this research that have freely given not only some of their precious and valuable time but have also revealed that which is sadly all too often concealed; the remarkable, courageous and oftenRead MoreThe Problem Of Homelessness And The Housing Crisis Essay4360 Words  | 18 Pagesinstability, linking major social institutions such as child welfare, public assistance and criminal justice. Mass incarceration, a growing problem in American society, is affecting an increasing number of children and families across multiple domains. While several recent studies have investigated the effects of paternal incarceration on family finances and parent-child relationships, there has been little research on the consequences for child housing stability. Even less is known about the mechanismsRead MoreCommon Induction Standards Essay22388 Words  | 90 PagesSeptember 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Standard 1 – Understanding The Principles of Care†¦ 1.1 Values 1.2 Confidentiality 1.3 Person-centred Approach Test Your Knowledge†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Standard 2 – Understanding the Organisation and the Role of the Worker 2.1 Your Role As A Worker 2.2 Policies and Procedures 2.3 Worker Relationships Test Your Knowledge†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Standard 3 – Maintain Safety At Work†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3.1 Health and Safety 3.2 Moving and handling 3.3 Fire safety 3.4 Emergency First Aid 3Read MoreEssay Paper84499 Words  | 338 PagesAR 600–20. AR 600–20 †¢ 18 March 2008/RAR 20 September 2012 UNCLASSIFIED i Contentsâ€â€Continued Military grade and rank †¢ 1–6, page 2 Precedence between Soldiers and other Service members serving with the Army †¢ 1–7, page 4 Precedence between members of the Army and members of foreign military services serving with the Army †¢ 1–8, page 5 Chapter 2 Command Policies, page 6 Chain of command †¢ 2–1, page 6 Open door policies †¢ 2–2, page 6 Performance counseling †¢ 2–3, page 6 StaffRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pages53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri 213 7 The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward a Transregional Perspective †¢ Gabrielle Hecht and Paul N. Edwards 271 8
Monday, December 9, 2019
Systems Analysis and Design Fundamentals
Question: Discuss about the Systems Analysis and Design Fundamentals. Answer: Introduction Projects are usually designed to help achieve certain predetermined goals that are established by the project team before any work concerning the project is initiated .This means that an organization has to identify certain needs that require a given project for them to be satisfied, these are often referred to as project goals and they are the determinants of all activities and plans that are carried out concerning the project at hand, by accurately the project goals it becomes easy to set timelines for a project as well as set accurate budget estimations as well as identifying all the factors that need to be put in place for the success of a project. How correctly the project planning process is carried out and the resulting adherence to the initial plan determines the success of a project. Project Management is the process of ensuring that the implementation of a given project is carried out correctly within the timelines and the budget set through initiation, planning execution, controlling and completion of a given project to ensure that its objectives are met. There is usually a success criteria involved in the process .This report offers an analysis and analysis of Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System. The Report will be structured into three main parts. Project Influences A number of factors are responsible for the outcome f a given project. They are re commonly referred to as project Influencers abbreviated as PESTLE referring to political, economic, and social, Technological Legal and environmental factors. For Denver mostly the project was to a large extent dependent on the technology. Failure to pay keen attention to the technology might have been one of the causes of failure (Rebentisch, 2016). Environmental factors include factors such as climate and climate change. Since this was to occupy a 140 km piece of land, any serious weather changes such as heavy rains resulting to floods could have serious impact on the project. Legal factors such as health and safety of the people constructing and those using the system could also have affected it. Social factors are the cultural aspects of a given community that can affect a given project while economic factors are any changes in the economy that can have significant impact on a project. These includ e factors such as inflation which can escalate the budget estimates for a project. Political factors such as taxation had an impact on the overall cost of the project. As Project manager of the Denver Airport project I would have taken sufficient time to consider the technological complexities that were involved so the initial planning phase would take consideration of the anticipated technological challenges in the design and functionality of the integrated baggage handling system without underestimation of its complexity. This would ensure that the system was able to achieve its intended objectives. As a manager I would also ensure proper leadership though planning, control and evaluation to ensure that the project was completed without the delays that were experienced thus the extra cost would have been saved. Some of the decisions could have been avoided such as allowing continuation of the project without sorting out the challenges that were experienced (Gaynor,2010). As a project manager I would therefore have ensured that each implementation stage was successfully carried out and any challenges identified sorted out before implementation wou ld proceed to the next phase. With the growing demand in airport services the rise in the number of people seeking to travel by Air to and from the United States, the construction of Denver Airport was a great necessity. This was going to be the largest airport in the United States and would be attending to an approximate number of 50 yearly. This would have been a great plus for the Air transport industry as the airport would provide a greater capacity that would ease congestion in other airports across the country. Besides the airport services that the Airport would be providing to its clients, the airport would also be able to provide huge amount of revenue to the City of Denver and provide employment by cementing Denver City as an Air transportation hub. Therefore despite the challenges faced with the Baggage handling system that led to delay in the opening of the Airport, it was a great idea to build Denver Airport as it would be able to boost the Air transport significantly (Kerzner, 2013). Assessing project Viability Feasibility study is an analysis of an identified project to determine its viability or its successful completion by considering a number of factors that technological, economic social and legal that may affect it. Feasibility studies are used by project managers to determine the possible positive and pessimistic outcomes of a given project before embarking on its implementation. Feasibility ensures among other things the economic justification of a project .this means that the project should be in position of having a positive impact on the economic status of the person or organization implementing it (Hass,2009). I would therefore need to consider impactful this new project would be o the operations of the airport this would be though cost vs benefit analysis .I would also need to carefully analyze the complexities involved in the new project vs the technical expertise available to meet these end results .Finally I would also consider the financial estimates and the scope of the project to ascertain how the project would be able to meet its end results within the set budget and scope. Denver Airport project can be analyzed in terms of its duration and budget. Based on the on the duration set aside for this project which was initially two years the project can be assessed as a large project .Also based on the area in square kilometers that the project was going to cover and the number of people and units that it was supposed to serve concurrently, it can be classified as a large project .Apart from time and cost, complexity, project change and strategic importance can also be used in assessing the size and scale of Denver Airport construction project (Crowder,Carbone Demijohn, 2015). Projects are usually designed to achieve certain outcomes of generate some benefits. The cost of a project should be directly proportional to the expected benefit of the project this means that if there is a large budget for a project the expected benefits are supposed to be many and vice versa .However if a projects cost is more than its expected benefits the viability of project becomes questionable. Its therefore important to analyze projects cost and profitability in order to establish if the project will have appositive or negative outcome (Estrella, 2007). I would decide the effectiveness of the decision made based on their outcomes .For example if the decision made such as the decision to extend the timeline for the project and it benefits or shortcomings (Kock,2007). If a decision made lead to any positive change or resulted in an overall improvement of the project then I would term it as effective. For the wrong decisions that were made, I would recommend their review by all the team members so that better decisions that would enable the project to achieve its determined outcomes would be achieved. Value management in construction management plays significant role in ensuring that the project achieves continuous innovation and overall improvement of the project. The plan will help to keep the project team motivated in order to improve the overall outcome of the project. Project risks are those factors that are likely to affect the achievement of the project objectives within the established time. Risk management is the process through which risks are identified, analyzed and prioritized. Risk management will ensure that the implementation of the project is carried out according to the initial plan by helping identification and elimination of risks (Demarco Lister, 2013). Quality management is the process of ensuring that the activities involved in a given project including the estimated outputs and benefits as well as the processes to arrive at these benefits meet the expectations of the stakeholders. Quality management will ensure that the project team work towards the achievement of project objectives (Winch, 2010). In project management, change refers to anything that has the ability of impacting the projects processes, tasks, job functions of the project team as well as structures. Change management is therefore the process that is used to manage change any change occurring to the project and the project team .It helps in keeping the project on course (Laar Punter, 2010). In the context of project management, environmental management refers to the process of managing the overall impact of the project to the environment .Environmental management will ensure that the potential impact of the project on the environment is minimized as much as possible. Health and safety management refers to all the strategies put in place to safeguard the health and safety of the project team. This will ensure that the potential impact of the project on the project team is minimized. In the context of project management Resource management refers to the process of allocating project resources effectively and efficiently. This will ensure that the resources set aside for a project are not wasted unnecessarily. The success of a project is solely dependent on how effectively these plans are handled. Successful consideration of these plans ensures that the project is able to achieve its objectives .It also ensures that a project is successfully completed within the time set and within the budget (Shenhar Dvir,2007). Conclusion Based on the above analysis, it is therefore important to note that there are several factors that come at play in as far as project management is concerned .Failure to consider these plans lead as well as poor decision making to the absolute failure of Denver International Airport Baggage handling system, perhaps worlds largest baggage handling system. For successful implementation of a project therefore project influencers need to be analyzed by the stakeholders so that it is possible to deal with all factors that might tamper with the scope of the project as well as its achievement of predetermined objectives .Apart from project Influencers assessing the viability of a project is also paramount. Viability of a project enables project stakeholders to weigh the project benefits against its cost. Had this been done for the Baggage handling system, it would have been possible to identify what the outcomes of the project such as its high maintenance costs and perhaps an alternative wou ld have been sought. Finally planning would have made it possible to complete the project within the time set and budget and the extra cost could have been saved. Reference List Rebentisch, E. (2016). Integrating program management with systems engineering. [Place of publication not identified], John Wiley Sons. Crowder, J. A., Carbone, J. N., Demijohn, R. (2015). Multidisciplinary systems engineering: architecting the design process. Cham, Springer. Demarco, T., Lister, T. R. (2013). Waltzing with bears: managing risk on software projects. Estrella, J. A. (2007). Identifying software project risks in the Canadian financial services sector: an international comparative study. Markham, Ont, Agilitek Corporation. Gaynor, G. H. (2010). Decisions: finding your way through the maze. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. Hass, K. B. (2009). Managing complex projects: a new model. Vienna, VA, Management Concepts. Information systems foundations: constructing and criticising workshop, gregor, S. D., Hart, D. N. (2005). Information systems foundations: constructing and criticising. Canberra, ANU E Press. Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: case studies. Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley Kock, N. F. (2007). Systems analysis design fundamentals: a business process redesign approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif, Sage Publications. Laar, P. V. D., Punter, T. (2010). Views on evolvability of embedded systems. Dordrecht, Springer. Reussner, R. (2016). Modeling and simulating software architectures: the Palladio approach. Shenhar, A., Dvir, D. (2007). Reinventing project management: the diamond approach to successful growth and innovation. Oz, E. (2016). Management information systems. Boston, Thomson Course Technology. Winch, G. (2010). Managing construction projects: an information processing approach. Chichester, Blackwell Pub.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Movie CharlieS Angels Essays - English-language Films,
Movie ?Charlie'S Angels? Thomas Kim The film, ?Charlie's Angels? was a visually motivated movie. This film fit under the genre of action/comedy. The action and camera work moved the story forward while keeping the audience attentive. The primary characters were Dylan, a rebellious tomboy, Natalie, a ditzy encyclopedia, Alex, a no nonsense achiever and Eric Nox, a criminal mastermind. Dylan, Natalie and Alex are the main protagonists who work as detectives for a mysterious figure known as Charlie. Dylan's motivation is her yearning to have a father figure, which ultimately leads her to protect her boss, Charlie. Natalie and Alex's motivations are tied to Dylan's while Natalie is also searching for love and Alex is trying to open up to her boyfriend. Eric Nox's motivation is to have revenge for the death of his father. Our three heroines, Alex, Dylan and Natalie are highly trained super detectives who are hired to find a missing voice recognition computer program and the program's creator, Eric Nox. The three girls determine through some detective work that their main suspect is Nox's main competitor, Redstar Communications. The three go undercover and plant a link to Redstar's main computer network. They soon discover that they have been double crossed by Eric Nox who only used the girls to gain access to Redstar's communication satellites which he will use in conjunction with his voice recognition program to locate the elusive Charlie whom he blames for the death of his father. Bosley, the liaison between the girls and Charlie, is kidnapped in order to locate Charlie. The girls must now find Bosley and Eric Nox and prevent Eric from locating Charlie. The girls free Bosley but Eric Nox has already located Charlie and flies to kill him in an attack helicopter. Alex, Dylan and Natalie manage to get aboard the helicopter and reprogram the missile, which Eric Nox is planning on using to kill Charlie. The missile instead of destroying Charlie is diverted and kills Eric Nox instead. Charlie is saved and the girls go on vacation. The primary source of conflict is that the girls are pressed for time in locating Eric Nox before he locates Charlie. The need to protect Charlie is the main drive in the girls' actions. The characters were exposed through situations which revealed their inner beings. Dylan's mother died when she was young and she never had a chance to meet her father. The lack of a father figure creates a need for Dylan to protect the one father figure she has in Charlie. Natalie wants to find a good man who she can love. When she meets a man who understanding and supportive she wants everything to work out. Alex has not been completely honest with her boyfriend and she wants to open up to him. Eric Nox's father was killed while he was serving in the army. He believes that Charlie, who was best friends with Eric's father, killed him. Now he wants revenge. I give the movie one and a half thumbs up. The movie was entertaining albeit unrealistic. The action scenes were like eye candy. Through the use of slow motion, stop motion and intricate choreography the fight scenes are reminiscent of the antigravity duels in ?The Matrix?. The witty lines in the script, undoubtedly credited towards scribe, Ed Solomon, helped to alleviate the ridiculousness of the action scenes. Overall the movie's main goal is to entertain the eyes with a feast of special effects and chop-socky battles between the characters and the movie delivers with a flash-poppy eye candy film.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom Algerian War essay
buy custom Algerian War essay Algerian war implied to the conflict that involved the movements of independence in Algerians and France which took place between the years 1954 and 1962. The end analysis after the war was the gaining of independence in Algeria from France. This therefore implies that the war was a decolonization one that made it to be a complicated conflict whose notable characteristics were the guerrilla type of warfare, terrorism to the civilians, the application of torture by both parties, the use of maquis fighting in addition to the use of the operations of counter-terrorism by French Army The actual causes of the war that took place in Algeria were the invasion of the French, the inevitable fundamentalism of the Islam in addition to the collapse of democracy. There was a need for the achievement of independence among the Algerians and this could only be achieved through the use of the war since the French were reluctant to give independence to the Algerians. The French settlers were particularly unwilling to facilitate for the independence of the natives due to the privileges they had with regard to their lifestyles relative to the Algerians (Aussaresses, 2006). During the era of the pacification as well as the periods that were associated with colonization that came after the conquest, there was a feeling of hesitation among the French people on the decisions regarding the most appropriate policies that were to be adopted. This is in respect to the policies of colonization, the regime of local government, the possibility of assimilation, departmentalization or the use of semi-autonomy. It was evident that for the century that followed, even at the termination of the world war two, Algeria continued to heavily depend on France on economical as well as political matters. This resulted to the upcoming of most of the uprisings especially as concerns the Setif as well as the Guelma which were suppressed in a brutal manner (Maran, 1989). Buy custom Algerian War essay
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Basic Tips to Ace Your Biology Class
Basic Tips to Ace Your Biology Class Taking a biology class doesnt have to be overwhelming. If you follow a few simple steps, studying will be less stressful, more productive, and result in better grades. Always read the lecture material before class. This simple step will pay big dividends.Always sit in the front of the class. It minimizes distractions and gives you an opportunity for your professor to know who you are.Use effective study techniques like comparing notes with a friend, not cramming, and making sure to start studying well before exams. Biology Study Tips Always read the lecture material before the classroom lecture. This simple step is surprisingly powerful and effective. By preparing beforehand, your time in the actual lecture will be more productive. The basic material will be fresh in your mind and you will have the opportunity to get any questions answered during the lecture. Biology, like most sciences, is hands-on. Most of us learn best when we are actively participating in a topic. So make sure to pay attention in biology lab sessions and actually perform the experiments. Remember, you wont be graded on your lab partners ability to perform an experiment, but your own.Sit in the front of the class. Simple, yet effective. College students, pay close attention. Youll need recommendations one day, so make sure your professor knows you by name and you arent 1 face in 400.Compare biology notes with a friend. Since much of biology tends to be abstract, have a note buddy. Each day after class compare notes with your buddy and fill in any gaps. Two heads are better than one!Use the lull period between classes to immediately review the biology notes you have just taken.Dont cram! As a rule, you should start studying for biology exams a minimum of two weeks prior to the exam.This tip is very important- stay awake in class. Teachers have observed too many people s noozing (even snoring!) in the middle of class. Osmosis may work for water absorption, but it wont work when it comes time for biology exams. Additional Study Tips Avail yourself of your teachers or professors office hours, review sessions, and similar activities. In these sessions, you are able to get any questions answered directly from the source.Many schools have excellent tutorial programs that are a great resource for getting questions answered. Studying for the AP Bio Exam Those who wish to gain credit for introductory college level biology courses should consider taking an Advanced Placement Biology course. Students enrolled in the AP Biology course must take the AP Biology exam to gain credit. Most colleges will give credit toward entry level biology courses for students who earn a score of 3 or better on the exam. If taking the AP Biology exam, it is a good idea to use good AP Biology exam prep books and flash cards to be sure that you are prepared to score high on the exam. Key Takeaways Always read the lecture material before class. This simple step will pay big dividends.Always sit in the front of the class. It minimizes distractions and gives you an opportunity for your professor to know who you are.Use effective study techniques like comparing notes with a friend, not cramming, and making sure to start studying well before exams.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Age does not matter in relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Age does not matter in relationships - Essay Example The author explains that couples with such an age gap undergo the same marital problems as couples of the same age. However, as a couple with different age gaps continue to age, they are likely to have different desires. For example, as the desire of the younger one increases, the desires other of older age are retiring. Additionally, couples with different age gaps do not merge because the younger one is growing up while the older individual is growing older. The older one behaves like a little child as he ages. For example, older people need more physical help, are self-cantered, cry like a kid and are too emotional. The relationship will not be of living and love but will be living and caring. Vilibert and Lloyd point out that in previous centuries, the average age gap between married couples was 3 years. It is through age where common objectives in life are experienced. Some of the objectives experienced in life give value to a relationship. For example, we experience first kiss, spouse, sex, marriage, a marital home, livelihood, child, divorce and other relevant objectives in live. However, being in a relationship with someone at the first stage of the list when in the last stage is quite strange. However, critics argue that a relationship between a young woman and an older man works out well and leads to a happy marriage. Based on the above analysis, their argument is refutable. A person at a young age is still growing up while the older one is growing old. They are likely to have many differences in marriage as compared to couples with a small age gap. Additionally, couples might be misunderstood in the society and quite embarrassing because the society regards them a s mother and son or father and daughter. Age is not a number, but something to be considered in a relationship as noted in the above study. Despite the view that a person of an older age is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Socrates Political View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Socrates Political View - Essay Example The Socratic philosophical approach posits that the central subject matter of philosophy is the human being and virtues are viewed as a form of knowledge. Additionally, the approach posits that people do not commit evil intentionally and that they can explain the different accounts that have transformed their lives. Socrates is considered as the most revolutionary political theorist in the history of politics. Socrates believed in the ability of a man being superego. Plato posits, â€Å"in [his] investigation of the service of the god†¦that those who had the highest reputation were nearly the most deficient, while those who were thought to be inferior were more knowledgeable†. Notable among his declarations is that the wisest man is the one that knows that he knows not. Socrates argued that human happiness is the product of the ethical knowledge on how people should live and not on the basis of material possession and wealth. His political theory argues that governments s hould not act as merely powerful organizational entities; rather they should adhere to the ethical principles that enhance the culture of moral uprightness. The government’s role, according to Socrates, should be to cater for the common benefit of all citizens rather than discriminating individuals over adherence to societal rules. His association with political change and activism is related to the fact his ideas attracted enthusiastic admiration from the youths who add participate in the political coup at Athens in the aftermath of the Peloponnesian war.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A Brief History of Economics Essay Example for Free
A Brief History of Economics Essay Through his use of dialectical materialism, Marx not only changed the history of economic thought, but found great illumination for himself regarding the bonds of human society. The concept that seems relatively simple in today’s complex economic world was utterly revolutionary in the time of Marx: people develop their ideas about the world (and thereby, their ideas for how society should be organized and stratified) based on the material aspects of their lives. It was an elegant extension of basic Marxist theory: capitalism, according to Marx, is interested in offering naked materialism as a kind of booby prize to make up for the means of production being taken away from the people. If the people can no longer work for themselves and no longer work at perfecting their own craft as individuals, then, as Marx correctly deduced, people would require something to validate their work. This became the center of capitalism, as Marx understood it: materialism exists as a kind of justification for capitalism, and since materialism has permeated our culture to such an extreme degree, eventually social orders began to revolve around it. Hence, what capitalism serves as the cause of what Marx saw as nothing less than ongoing class warfare. It is interesting to note that Marx believed a violent revolution on the part of the proletariat was not simply a possible method of changing things, but actually served as the only method of changing things. This is because materialism was so embedded into class structures (which, in turn, was so embedded in power structures), and the only way for society to functionally survive was for it to become overturned completely. It is also interesting to note the ongoing effect that Marx has had on philosophic thought: materialism had previously been dislodged by Descartes and the famous declaration â€Å"I think, therefore I am;†as far as most people who pondered these things could conclude, thought preceded matter. However, Marx not only brought materialism to the philosophic forefrontâ€â€the then-controversial idea that material preceded thoughtâ€â€but illustrated the notion that the abstractions of materialism had been concretized by capitalism into purchasable goods. 2: Marx and the Secret Source of Profit Perhaps the most enduring notion of Marx’s is the so-called secret of the source of profit under a capitalistic society†¦though such is Marx’s legacy of intellectual thought, a great many people simply accept this notion as reality: the source of profit is the surplus value that an employer gains from laborers. After all, the means of production have been taken from the people: skilled artisan cobblers have been replaced by factory line workers churning out shoe after shoe after shoe. The money saved by employing this assembly-line method of industrial production becomes pure profit for the employer. Interestingly, Marx tethered this to his own theories on circulating capitalâ€â€that is, something that does not last, and is used up in the production of other goods and services, in direct opposition to fixed capital, which is traditionally held for over a year by a business or institution. Marx astutely deduced that the distinction between these concepts is not only relative, but arbitrary: the idea that capital held for 365 days is circulating and that capital held for 366 days is fixed is absurd. However, it allows the proletariat to essentially gloss over their own necessity to the entire institution of capitalism: they are led to believe that society is held up by the fixed capital of major investors and their long-term investments. In reality, society is held aloft by the ongoing purchases of the common man (and woman): their disposable income is burned off to provide them a sense that capitalism is worth it†¦it turn, their disposable income is used to make the rich richer, as the cliche goes, all the way up the capitalist pyramid. In Marx’s view, this is one of many ways that those in power forestall the seemingly unavoidable class war that he advocates: those with powerâ€â€the purchasing power of the common manâ€â€are convinced they have none, and are bought off with trinkets. It is interesting to note that this echoes the master/slave morality inversion of Nietzsche. 3: Marginalists and the Economy In the evolution of economic theory, the impact of marginalism cannot be overstated. Once one had accepted the blunt realities of Marxâ€â€specifically, that society was organized based on the perceived value of itemsâ€â€the logical question remained: how does one quantify the value of an item? Marginalism illustrated the diminishing returns on the marginal utility of resold products, which dramatically impacted analysis of capitalist economy, the focus of economic analysis, and theories of value and distribution. Regarding the analysis of capitalist economy, marginalism helped solidify the supply and demand notion of economics as that of mainstream economic thought, as opposed to the labor theory of value espoused by Karl Marx. To put it mildly, this has had ongoing economic effects for the last century and a half. The focus of economic analysis shifted accordingly, as marginalism interacted with price theory: this allowed economics to project demand curves utilizing marginal rates of substitution as a means of determining not only when, but why a seller is willing to relinquish a product for a particular price. Perhaps one of the most lasting effects of marginalism on economic thought has been its effect on theories of value and distribution. With the previous measures in place, economists (as well as common people) now had a more-or-less accurate measure of determining the value of any given product in any given social context. Of course, this also effects the ongoing distribution of certain products to certain demographics in order to maximize profitability. Interestingly, this is one of the chief criticisms of marginalism as well: that it is a vague pseudoscience whose intent is to maintain not only the economic status quo, but the appearance of the status quo. It is no surprise, then, that Marxists continue to grapple with marginalist theory: they see it as a means of keeping the proletariat in check, and preventing any uprisings from them. 4: Thorstein Veblen: Survival of the Fattest Thorstein Veblen, for better or worse, specialized in bringing the human element into economic theory. Specifically, he theorized that the institution of the leisure class was a parasite feeding upon America: upon the backs of workers who are actually productive are a class who seek only profit and produce nothing but waste. He essentially created and popularized the notion of conspicuous consumption as the epitome of this theory: that wealthy individuals spend large amounts of money on ostentatious goods whose sole benefit is to publicly display their wealth to the world. Unfortunately, this has become an integral part of the economy: although an engineer might weep at the man spending over a hundred thousand dollars for a car, the American economy would be crippled if conspicuous consumption vanished overnight. Hence, the parasite metaphor: conspicuous consumption and naked profit helps the wealthy to bloat themselves on the backs of the poor until the entire enterprise inevitably crumbles under its own weight. Veblen perceived quite clearly that human notions about the world are social constructs created by individuals, and as time went on, those notions would change, necessitating a change in economic thought as well. He makes frequent comparisons to evolution to further this end: idle curiosity spurs innovation, innovation spurs conflict between the old guard and the innovators, and an economic Darwinism is born. The advent of industry and technological revolutions merely expanded his original point: the parasitic relationship continued unabated, as the innovations of the productive engineer class were inevitably utilized as means of conspicuous consumption and waste on the part of the leisure class. Planes are developed as a result of idle curiosity, for instance, but it is the leisure class that necessitates the invention of first class as a way of displaying their own status in the social hierarchy.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Pearl Harbor :: essays research papers fc
Pearl Harbor On December 7, 1941, one of the biggest disasters in United States history occurred. Truthfully, this was and is, â€Å"’A date which will live in infamy.’†(Costello 1), but not for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, but for the trickery and the confusion used by the Government and Franklin D. Roosevelt. To him this was a chess game and Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives, thanks to his power as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. By over-looking the facts of an attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt was able to control both the political and economic systems of the United States. Most of American life before the Pearl Harbor bombing believed in the idea of not participating in political or economic relations with other countries. Roosevelt knew this, and knew the only way United States countrymen would stand up and fight in Europe’s War was to be a clear action against the United States. Roosevelt also thought Hitler would not declare war on the U.S. unless he knew they were beatable. There are several actions by Roosevelt and his armed forces advisors, which show they were aware of the attack by Japan, but they were also planning on it, and encouraging it. On October 7, 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum wrote the eight-action memo. The memo outlined eight different steps that the U.S. could do that he thought would lead to an attack by Japan on the United States. The day after this memo was given to Roosevelt, he began to use these steps. By the time that Japan finally attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, all eight steps had occurred (Willy 1). The eight steps were made of two main ideas; a sign of United States military preparedness and threat of attack, and being a forceful control on Japans trade and economy. McCollum called for the United States to make plans with both Britain and Holland, to use military facilities and to gain supplies in both Singapore and Indonesia. He also thought for the use of a division of long-range heavy cruisers an d submarines. The last key factor that McCollum called for was to keep the United States in the area of the Hawaiian Islands. With the fleet located around Hawaii and mainly in Pearl Harbor, a double-sided sword was created. It helped quicker deployment times into South Pacific Water, but it also lacked many necessary military needs.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Multiple Intelligences
Most of the greatest intellectual figures of our time were not really achievers in their classes. Winston Churchill was doing poorly with his school assignments, and he always stuttered during recitations. Albert Einstein was told to quit school because he was often caught daydreaming. Thomas Edison was always punished at school because he was asking too much questions. However, they turned out to be the people who have changed the history of humanity. In some ways, this is also the case of high school drop outs. Not all of the students leave school because of domestic problems, alcoholism, drug addiction or any other reason. In fact, there are students who quit school because they feel that school is not supporting their learning abilities. They believe that they are too much for school, or they learn better in the outside world. This notion somehow affects the students’ self-esteem. In an article online, the authors stated that self-esteem has to be grounded in positive achievement. If self-esteem is impaired, students will lose the eagerness to acquire formal education. Learning should always come with positive attitude a well as reinforcement. As Henry Ford would say it, â€Å"If you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.†Aside from thinking that these students might have behavioral issues or learning disabilities, should the same thought be directed to the education system which overlooks the individuality of students in terms of their learning? Indeed, there are several types of high school curriculum. However, if a particular high school adapts a certain curriculum, it does not guarantee that every student will successfully learn because of the program. The failure of some students may be actually a good thing. It could be a sign that they are better off in other educational programs, or they might even be exceptionally intelligent. Hence, the popularly known academic excellence does not really mean a summary of References Chapter 8 – the secret heart of learning. The Learning Web. Retrieved December 18, 2007 Chapter 10 – do it in style. The Learning Web. Retrieved December 18, 2007 from the World Wide Web: â€Å"Multiple Intelligences†as Howard Gardner proposed. According to Gardner, there are seven kinds of intelligences: linguistic intelligence (self-expression through words), logical-mathematical (ability on reasoning and numbers), visual-spatial intelligence (ability on recognition and transformation of spaces), body-kinesthetic intelligence (self-expression using one’s body), musical intelligence (involves skill on perception, creation and performance of musical patterns), interpersonal intelligence (capacity to recognize and comprehend other people’s feelings, motivations, intentions and desires), and intrapersonal intelligence (ability to understand oneself). Thus, every student has its own strengths and weaknesses in relation with such intelligences. Consequently, if Gardner’s concept of multiple intelligences could be applied, the recognition of individual learning abilities would be fostered. Students will have the opportunity to develop and maximize their skills with the appropriate curricula. Students will likely stay in school, because they are encouraged to learn and improve themselves according to their capacities. For instance, students who cut classes and eventually drop out because they want to pursue their rock band could be educated in a musically-directed program. In this way, they will have the chance to be enhanced musically at an advance level rather than just learning the basics in a music class or by being a member of the marching band. As a result, high school kids will enjoy and even love school because their self-esteem is grounded in what they are best doing. Their attention will even be diverted from entertaining external factors that eventually discourage them from going to school. Teenage problems will potentially drop. Intelligence mostly involves focus. If high school students are educated according to their intelligences, they will have more focus in school. Their concern will be primarily excelling and achieving their future goals. References HOWARD GARDNER: Multiple Intelligence Theory Proponent. Retrieved December 18, 2007 from the World Wide Web: Smith, Mark. (2002). Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education. Infed. Retrieved  December 18, 2007 from the World Wide Web: Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Leadership & Managing People
As we all know, different types of business play a vital role in the progress or advancement of certain companies especially in this modern era where competition is really tight and business tycoons are rampant. According to Britannica Online1, business organization is an entity formed for the purpose of carrying on commercial enterprise; such an organization is predicated on systems of law governing contract and exchange, property rights, and incorporation.Business like these greatly aids in the improvement of the lifestyle of man. There are many types of businesses; some involving housing, food, clothing, drugs, etc. Whichever or whatever it may be, different business men or managers use different strategies in advertising a certain product in order to attract consumers and sell the product resulting to the development of the company. But before anything else, companies must have a rough picture of what the future might be and how their product can contribute to the welfare of the future in one way or another.In accordance to the article â€Å"Strategy under Uncertainty†by Hugh Courtney, Jane Kirkland and Patrick Viguerie, I agree that these strategies and the different levels of uncertainties analyzed and presented in the article are possible. And with further application of these strategies the company will certainly improve, even taking into account that no matter what status the company may be, a newbie or a booming business under the leadership of a tycoon it undergoes these different levels.I am in agreement with the topics discussed in the article because most companies do and will experience these uncertainties and apply these different strategies for further advancement and development of the company. Even big companies such as the electronic company Sony, or the clothing line of Guess and other businesses analyze the level of1 business organization. (2007). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved June 12, 2007, from Encyclopà ¦dia Britanni ca Online: they are presently in and apply the strategy needed for further progression of the company. Also, in the article, issues such future realization and analysis to where the product is needed are discussed.In the article, the four types of level of uncertainty stated are very impressive. As they convey and state what companies of different business have to face and decide upon in order to become productive as well as efficient. In the article, there are also several diagrams or figures that can help in further understanding the different levels of uncertainty being discussed in the article.According to Anne Brown2, most profitable business ventures have been started by people under 35. Based on this statement made by the above stated author, people handling different business vary in age. Which tells us that success is not only achieved through the years but through thorough understanding of the business as well as plan ning what approporiate strategies the business is needed to be assessed with.In the article â€Å"Strategy under Uncertainty†, oligopoly was stated. Oligopoly according to Britannica Online3, market situation in which each of a few producers affects but does not control the market, and each producer must consider the effect of a price change on the actions of the other producers. Especially in bussiness organizations like these, different work strategies are needed for the company to survive. I also agree with the article that traditional approaches in advertising are indeed dangerous. Since there is no assurance that the product being advertised can catch the attention of the consumer. Take for example food business, commercials are not enough or flyers, the consumer must take a taste of the product in order to be persuaded to buy it.2 talented tycoons. (1999). In The Freelibrary. Retrieved June 17, 2007, from s-a0547837763 oligopoly. (2007). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2007, from Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica    Online: organization. (2007). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved June 16, 2007, from Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online: (2007). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2007, from Encyclopà ¦dia    Britannica Online: tycoons. (1999). In The Freelibrary. Retrieved June 17, 2007, from
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Comprised of Revisited
Comprised of Revisited â€Å"Comprised of†Revisited â€Å"Comprised of†Revisited By Maeve Maddox More than one reader has chided me for writing â€Å"comprised of†in a recent post. Here’s the culprit: In the ancient Roman army, a centurion was the officer in charge of a century, a unit originally comprised of 100 men. Anyone who has ever read a popular language blog has seen this dictum stated as an adamantine rule: One must never use the phrase comprised of. I’ve certainly read many articles that explain in great detail why â€Å"comprised of†is not only merely wrong, but really, most sincerely wrong. I was on the verge of writing to Daniel to ask him to change comprised to composed, but then I read my sentence again and had to admit that I don’t see anything wrong with it. Plenty of other writers reach for â€Å"comprised of†without remembering that it’s a no-no. The usage is found in edited articles published in The American Scholar, The Atlantic, The Christian Science Monitor, The New Yorker, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. This confession from Francine Prose, a contributing editor to the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus and author of a string of books published by the world’s most prestigious publishing houses, illustrates the writer’s dilemma: It has been pointed out to me, more often than I care to admit, that you can say: The book comprises five sections. But you should not say: The book is comprised of five sections. In the second example, use compose instead: The book is composed of five sections. I have lost hope of ever getting it straight, so for now I find synonyms, and wait for so many others to make the same mistake that- as so often happens- grammarians simply give up, and decide that both usages are correct. I mistrust a rule of usage that is not only supremely forgettable but also targets a phrase that writers of formal English have been using for centuries. Even respected language commentators who officially uphold the notion that â€Å"comprised of†must not be used with the meaning of â€Å"consists of†recognize the hopelessness of remembering this particular â€Å"rule†: And no one will mind if you avoid â€Å"comprise.†Just say, â€Å"made up of.†Mignon Fogarty, Grammar Girl. But there’s so much confusion surrounding the usage of [comprise] that it may be better to avoid it altogether. Paul Brians, Common Errors in English Usage. The editors at Oxford Dictionaries Online state that â€Å"comprised of†is â€Å"more or less synonymous†with â€Å"consists of†and that this usage is â€Å"part of standard English.†The Oxford English Dictionary- without any indication that the usage is nonstandard- includes this definition for the â€Å"passive form†of comprise: â€Å"To be composed of, to consist of.†The earliest OED citation for this use is dated 1874. Several linguistic discussions of the topic reference earlier uses dating from 1704. Even the editors at Merriam-Webster, after defending the use of â€Å"comprised of†as acceptable usage, capitulate to the bogus rule: You should be aware, however, that if you use [â€Å"comprised of†] you may be subject to criticism for doing so, and you may want to choose a safer synonym such as compose or make up. Geoff Nunberg calls the â€Å"comprised of†proscription â€Å"a pedant’s veto†: It doesn’t matter if you consider a word to be correct English. If some sticklers insist that its an error, the dictionaries and style manuals are going to counsel you to steer clear of it to avoid bringing down their wrath. That can be the prudent course, especially in an age when email and Web comment threads make things easy for what William Safire used to call the â€Å"gotcha gang.†All of us have our linguistic pet peeves, usage that produces â€Å"blackboard moments†of discomfort. They may not be defensible, but that doesn’t make them any less annoying to us. In deference to readers who cringe when they hear or see the phrase â€Å"comprised of,†I won’t use it in future DWT articles. But I will permit my centurion sentence to stand. Related post: Usage That Provokes â€Å"Blackboard Moments†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About NumbersDo you "orient" yourself, or "orientate" yourself?Using Writing Bursts to Generate Ideas and Enthusiasm
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
E.T. Movie Released
E.T. Movie Released The movie E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial was a hit from the day it was released (June 11, 1982) and quickly became one of the most beloved movies of all time. The Plot The movie E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial was about a 10-year-old boy, Elliott (played by Henry Thomas), who befriended a little, lost alien. Elliott named the alien E.T. and did his best to hide him from adults. Soon Elliotts two siblings, Gertie (played by Drew Barrymore) and Michael (played by Robert MacNaughton), discovered E.T.s existence and helped. The children tried to help E.T. construct a device so that he could phone home and thus hopefully become rescued from the planet he was accidentally left upon. During the time they spent together, Elliott and E.T. create such a strong bond that when E.T. started to become sick, so did Elliott. The plot got even sadder when agents from the government discovered the dying E.T. and quarantined him. Elliott, distraught by his friends illness, eventually rescues his friend and flees from the pursuing government agents. Realizing that E.T. would only really get better if he could go home, Elliott took E.T. to the spaceship that had returned for him. Knowing they would never see each other again, the two good friends say goodbye. Creating E.T. They storyline of E.T. had its beginnings in director Steven Spielbergs own past. When Spielbergs parents divorced in 1960, Spielberg invented an imaginary alien to keep him company. Using the idea of a lovable alien, Spielberg worked with Melissa Mathison (future wife of Harrison Ford) on the set of Raiders of the Lost Ark to write the screenplay. With the screenplay written, Spielberg needed the right alien to play E.T. After spending $1.5 million, the E.T. we now know and love was created in multiple versions for close-ups, full-body shots, and animatronics. Reportedly, the look of E.T. was based on Albert Einstein, Carl Sandburg, and a pug dog. (Personally, I can definitely see the pug in E.T.) Spielberg filmed E.T. in two very unusual ways. First, nearly all of the movie was filmed from the eye-level of the children, with most of the adults in E.T. only seen from about the waist down. This perspective allowed even adult moviegoers to feel like a child while watching the movie. Secondly, the film was mostly shot in chronological order, which is not a common filmmaking practice. Spielberg chose to film this way so that the child actors would have a more realistic, emotional reaction to E.T. throughout the movie and especially during E.T.s departure at the end. E.T. Was a Hit E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial was a blockbuster movie right from its release. Its opening weekend grossed $11.9 million and E.T. stayed at the top of the charts for over four months. At the time, it was the largest grossing movie ever made. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial was nominated for nine Academy Awards and won four of them: Sound Effects Editing, Visual Effects, Best Music (Original Score), and Best Sound (Best Picture that year went to Gandhi). E.T. touched the hearts of millions and has remained one of the best movies ever made.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Diabetes Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Diabetes - Literature review Example The study "Diabetes" will help to understand history, types and prevalence of this disease. The Egyptian manuscript from c. 1500 BCE had described diabetes among the first diseases and mentioned it as "too great emptying of the urine". The cases that were initially described are believed to be of the type 1 diabetes. This disease was then identified at the same time by the Indian physicians and they categorized it to be the "honey urine" or madhumeha taking into account that fact that ants would be attracted by urine. The diseases are known by "diabetes" which mean "to pass through" was used by the Greek Appollonius of Memphis first in the 230 BCE. At that time, it was taken to be rare in presence at the time of the Roman empire, and Galen had commented to this that only two cases were witnessed by him at the period of his career. This may have happened because of the life-style and diet maintained by the primitive people or may have been due to the observation of the clinical sympto ms in the course of the advanced stage of the disease. The disease, diabetes, was named as "diarrhea urinoma" (diarrhea of the urine) by Galen. Aretaeus of Cappadocia has performed the initial work to be surviving now and having a detailed reference with regards to during the period of early 3rd century CE. The symptoms and duration of the disease were described by him, and he attributed theses to the coldness and moisture which mirrored the beliefs carried by the "Pneumatic School".
Thursday, October 31, 2019
A Rhetorical analysis about I shouldn't have to press '1' for english Essay
A Rhetorical analysis about I shouldn't have to press '1' for english - Essay Example Also there is the political face of it, whereby the economic and political policy’s are established and preserved by the government mainly for the special benefit of the ruling class, the wealthy influential not for the advantage of working individuals, people of color. This economic dismay that we are experiencing is similar for the Latinos and Blacks. This shows the unjust, undemocratic and unequal society we are dwelling in. Few researchers have found out that the mean wealth of the white family is twenty times that of a Black family. The wealth ratios are very unequal rising up a few questions. Is it the color? Is it the inability to do certain things? Looking at inflation, in 2005-2009 the medium fell 53% amid the black households, evaluated with a simple 16% amid the white families. Looking at home equality, Blacks declined by half, illustrating how many were left out. An analysis carried out suggests that the Blacks were forefront of the housing real estate market boil of the 1990s and in the early 2000s however that have since been amid the situations experiencing the steepest turn downs in the housing
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Manage Accountability --budget Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Manage Accountability --budget - Assignment Example A budget is a forecast or an estimation of the expected income or revenue and a projection of the intended expenses and how these expenses will be funded. Budgeting is a process that not only lies with the financial department but with the whole management since it requires making decisions regarding the projects to be funded, the expenses to be cut down to reduce the cost and other decisions regarding capital investments, marketing and so forth. This purpose of this paper is to categorically prove why the decision to revert the budget from improvement of a local county highway to expand an interstate freeway, was a viable decision in line with management accountability and cost benefit application. The best procedure I will implement in an effort to analyze the utilization of those funds is the zero-based budgeting procedure. This system of budgeting requires that all departments in a firm to justify all allocations and expenses for each new period and not relying on past expenditure trend (Bhattacharrya, 2011). This system assumes that there is neither carrying forward of balances nor existence of current obligations. The requirement is that all activities in the period will be implemented on the basis of cost-benefit analysis, which advocates for a systematic resource allocation criteria. It is with no doubts that this system will suit this project. This is because this process comes as an alternate to the others and is fully funded. This means there would be no need at all to revisit the past expenditure plan. The system helps to identify areas that result to wasting resources and elimination. This is the common goal of every organization as a means of benefiting from cutting costs of unessential areas (Bhattacharrya, 2011). In a survey carried in 2009 of government Budget Transparency, found out that the misuse
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Industrialised Building System for Malaysia Public Housing
Industrialised Building System for Malaysia Public Housing The Malaysia construction industry plays an important role in generating wealth to the country and development of social and economic infrastructures and building. The industry provides job opportunities for 800,000 people which represented 8% of total workforce (CIMP, 2006). The construction industry is one of the productive sectors that constantly contribute to the economy. According to CIDB (2003), the IBS is a construction technique in which components are manufactured in a controlled environment (on or off site), transported, positioned and assembled into a structure with minimal additional site works. IBS is not new to the construction industry in Malaysia. Only it has now remerged worldwide into the 21st century as a reasonable solution to improve overall construction image and performance. The Malaysia government has spared no effort to bring IBS to the drawing tables of all professionals involved in the built environment. Based on the IBS Roadmap (2003), the IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 has been endorsed by the Cabinet of Ministers to be the blueprint document for the industrialisation of the Malaysia construction sector. This is because under the Seventh Malaysia Plan (1996-2000) the Government of Malaysia for the first time to introduced the Low Medium Cost Housing category (the previously it was classified together with medium cost housing category) due to the always increasing demand for housing in this category. In additional, it is to ensure that the middle low income group with salary ranging from RM1,501.00 to RM2,500.00 per month and able to own a house. However, the pricing of low medium cost housing are around RM42,001.00 to RM60,000.00 per unit only. Using IBS in this types of housing project are more suitable because high volume and stability of demand for buildings is the advantages of using IBS. Besides that, it will also reduce the selling price of low medium cost housing. The IBS is a manufactured the building components at factories (off site manufacture), will enable cost saving; safety and health; productivity and quality improvement through the reduction of labour intensity and construction standardisation. Apart from this method, it also offers minimal site wastage, less site materials, cleaner and neater environment, controlled quality, and lower total construction costs. Using higher percentage of IBS in the construction of public housing and other building projects will provide better productivity, quality, and safety, especially for the total construction time saving and cost saving. IBS will contribute towards a better construction industry, as well as improve the global competitiveness of Malaysian builders. Nowadays, IBS in Malaysia become more popularity in the construction industry especially for the Government project. An early effort by the Government of Malaysia to promote usage of IBS and develop an Open Building system (OBS) concept as an alternative to conventional and labour intensive construction method has yet to make headway. According to Works Minister Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed, the prefabricated parts will be used in all Government projects in a proposal to reduce the dependence on foreign workers. Besides that, it wills also reducing inherent social problems involving these foreign workers. The use of prefabricated parts was part of the IBS which would be adopted for all Government projects. The Government of Malaysia has ordered all government agencies carrying out development and peoples housing projects to use at least 70% IBS content in those projects. Aim A study into using IBS in the public housing in Malaysia and the popularity apply in the construction. Objectives To study the history of IBS in public housing. To study the classification of various types of IBS and apply to public housing. To identify the benefits and barriers of the IBS in public housing. To identify as a potential method to improve overall construction performance. To identify as a popularity for public housing. Hypothesis Apply IBS into public housing will be one of the better construction methods to construct the building. For the future, the IBS will become more and more popularity for construction industry in Malaysia. For the construction cost, time and quality, IBS will be the better one to control all the construction cost, to speed up the construction times and to provide high quality of components. Background Since early 1960s, IBS has been introduced in Malaysia by the use of precast concrete beam-column element and panelized system (Thanoon, 2003). Nearly, 22.7 acres of land along Jalan Pekeliling was dedicated to the project comprising seven blocks of 17-storey flats (about 3,000 units of low-cost flat and 40 shop lots). These first pilot projects are using the Danish System of large panels in a prefabricated system. The second pilot project is a six block of 17-storey flats and three blocks of 18-storey flats at Jalan Rifle Range and using French Estoit System. Apply the IBS in the construction industry will improve overall construction performance such as standardization, total quality improvement, reduce defect, waste reduction, cost saving and etc. But nothing in this world is perfect, so some barriers of using IBS in the construction industry will be the poor knowledge of install IBS, lack of guidance, lack of professional trained in IBS and etc. Based on IBS Roadmap (2003), IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 was developed and published to steer the direction of IBS implementation and promotion activities and guide the practitioners and policy makers on IBS related issues. Scope and limitation of study This paper shall identify the common types of IBS in the construction industry and apply into public housing in order to determine their impact on construction projects and popularity for the public housing. This study is part of the ongoing research appraising and analyzing how we use the IBS in construction and how many percentage of IBS are using in the construction project. Therefore, this study will include the following areas: Definition of IBS in public housing. The history of the IBS for public housing in Malaysia. Classification of IBS in Malaysia. Various types of IBS in construction industry and which one is more useful for public housing. The advantages and disadvantages of using IBS for public housing. The selling price and the popularity using IBS for public housing to the contractor. Research Methodology Literature Review In the beginning, literature review was conducted to determine an overall idea regarding IBS for public housing. This refers to collecting the latest secondary data and information from different sources which including books, journals, magazines, dissertations, conference papers, and information from the internet. These materials were used for background reading to obtain full understanding and information needed for discussion and analysis in the research. Questionnaires A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The questions will centre on the KL areas mentioned in the above objectives. A multi-option format will be designed and limited to about 30 questions, in order to obtain a high level of response. Project Plan and Schedule Chapter 1 : Introduction This chapter will include the project title, rationale of the study, scope and limitation of study, research goals and methodology. In addition, aims, objective and hypothesis of the study are included under the research goals. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter will display the definition of IBS, history of IBS for public housing, classification of IBS in Malaysia, and benefits and barriers of using IBS in construction project for public housing and this literature review will base on the dissertation objectives. Chapter 3: Research Methodology This chapter will discuss on the technique for data collection to achieve the dissertations aim and objective. Besides, it also includes the research sample and method of analysis for the feedback obtained from the respondents. Chapter 4: Data Analysis This chapter wills surveys and analysis the data collection from the contractor, consultant and developer of people about their opinions, behaviour or knowledge. Chapter 5: Conclusion The conclusion will include summary on the dissertation from chapter 1 to chapter 4 together all the research result to present the overall findings and make appropriate recommendations. References CIDB, 2003. IBS Roadmap 2003-2010. Malaysia: CIDB. CIDB, 2003. National IBS Survey, 2003. Malaysia: CIDB. Kamar, K.A.M.,Alshawi,M. And Hamid,Z.,(2009). Barriers to Industrialised Building System (IBS): The Case of Malaysia. [pdf] United Kingdom: IPGRC. Available at: [Accessed 15 May2010] Mohd Rofdzi Abdullah, Kamarul Anuar Mohd Kamar, Mohd Nasrun Mohd Nawi, Ahmad Tarmizi Haron, Mohammed Arif, (2009). Industrialised Building System: A Definition and Concept. [pdf] United Kingdom: ARCOM. Available at: [Accessed 05 May 2010] CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter will explain in details and provide the literature review of Industrialised Building System (IBS). Besides that, it will also cover the literature review of building system. Usually, the contents of this chapter are including definitions of IBS, history of IBS in public housing, classification of IBS, types of IBS, characteristic of IBS, benefits and barriers of using IBS in public housing, IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 and IBS scoring system. 2.1 Definitions of IBS Until the present time there has been no single commonly-approved definition of IBS. IBS can be different industry players to define different things. However, there are difference resources to define the several definitions that reflected the concept of IBS and which widely accepted by the construction industry. According to CIDB Malaysia (2001) defines IBS as a construction technique in which components are manufactured in a controlled environment (on or off site), transported, positioned and assembled into a structure with minimal additional site works. As such, components that are being prefabricated in a controlled environment on site are also considered as IBS. While there are numerous descriptions of the IBS concept by local researchers, all of the definitions stressed on prefabrication and mass production. In other definition by Warswaski (1999), the IBS can be defined in which all building are mass produced such as walls, slabs, beams, columns and staircases either in factory or at site factory under strict quality control and minimal wet site activities. Industrialisation process is an investment in equipment, facilities and technology with the purpose of maximising production output, minimizing labour requirement and improving total quality while a building system is defined as a set of interconnected element that joint together to enable the designated performance of a building. Based on Lessing et al (2005) explained IBS as an integrated manufacturing and construction process with well planned organization for efficient management, preparation and control over resources used, activities and results supported by the used of highly developed components. Rahman Omar (2006) defined IBS as a construction system that is built using prefabricated components. The manufacturing of the components is systematically done using machine, formworks and other forms of mechanical equipment. The components are manufactured offsite and once completed will be delivered to construction sites for assembly and erection. Chung Kadir (2007) defined IBS as a mass production of building components either in factory or at site according to the specification with standard shape and dimensions and transport to the construction site to be re-arranged with certain standard to form a building. 2.2 History of IBS in Public Housing IBS in Malaysia has began in early 1960s, according to Thanoon et al (2003) when Ministry of Housing and Local Government of Malaysia visited several European countries, at the same time evaluates their housing development program. In the year 1964 and after their successful visit, the Government had launched pilot project on using IBS to increase the delivery time and to construct better quality and affordable houses. The first pilot project was constructed at Jalan Pekeliling in Kuala Lumpur and about 22.7 acres of land was dedicated to the project comprising four blocks of 4-storey flats and seven blocks of 17-storey flats and comprising total about 3,000 units of low cost flats for the low and median income group and 40 units of shop lots. This housing project was undertaken by Gammon/ Larsen Nielsen and this project are using the Danish System of large panels in a industrialised prefabricated system. According to Thanoon et al (2003), the construction for housing project was complete from 1966 until 1968 (around total 27 months) speed up the time taken in the construction of the around RM 2.5 million casting yard at Jalan Damansara. In 1965, the Government of Malaysia launched a second project, is a three blocks of 18-storey flats and six blocks of 17-storey flats and comprising total about 3,699 units and 66 units of shop lots along at Jalan Rifle Range in Penang. The housing project was honoured by Hochtief/ Chee Seng and this project are using French Estoit System (Din, 1984). This housing project was complete within 27 months. If we are mention to the two pilot projects, a performance comparison between the IBS and the conventional system has been carried in terms of cost, productivity, quality, and time. According to the research, the first pilot project incurred 8.1% higher costs than a similar building such as using conventional construction method, while the second pilot project was lower. In term of total construction speed, both of the housing project required total 27 months to complete the whole project, inclusive of time required to set up the recasting factories. The total quality of building finishes was also found to be better than the using conventional construction method. Another earliest using IBS in public housing project was at Taman Tun Sardon in Penang. These using IBS in public housing project total all about 1,000 units of 5-storey walk up flat and this project are using IBS precast component and system. The IBS precast component and system in the housing project was designed to the low cost housing by British Research Establishment and especially for the low and median income group. According to the research of Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) 2006, almost at the same time at Edmonton in North London, there are using similar system was constructed and total amount about 20,000 BRECAST dwellings were constructed throughout UK from 1964 until 1974. Based on Rahman and Omar (2006), the total all building design was very basic and quite simple and not considering the feature of serviceability such as the local or user needs to have wet toilet and bathroom. According to the CIDB (2006), many constructions in the following years using precast wall panel system. Low cost high rise residential building is one of the processes to survey that IBS was connect at first place in the construction to overcome the increasing demand for housing needs. For all that, in the earlier stage was never sustained for the industrialisation of construction. Failure of early closed fabricated system made the industry afraid of changing their construction method. The information was based on the CIDB (2005), using IBS in construction were also found not be so suitable with Malaysia climate and social practices especially for the foreign systems that were introduced during the late 60s and 70s. Introduced than in the construction market were constantly being newer and better technologies. Based on CIDB (2005), identified to be suitable to be used in our tropical climate is the wet joint systems and it was also better to using in the bathroom types which were comparatively wetter than those in the Europe. Another about 1200 units of housing using prefabrication technology were is launched by the Penang State Government in 1978. After two years later, the Ministry of Defense to be build around 2800 units of living quarters and adopted large prefabricated panel construction system in Lumut Naval Base (Trikha and Ali, 2004). Enhance the using of precast concrete system in high rise residential building during the 90s; this is because total demand for the new township has seen to increase. According to the research, Perbadaan Kemajuan Negari Selangor (PKNS) as a state Government development agency acquired precast concrete technology from Praton Haus International based on Germany to build low cost housing and high cost bungalows between 1981 and 1993 for the new townships in Selangor (Hassim et al, 2009 and National IBS Survey, 2003). It was recorded then; total around 52,000 housing units was constructed and using Praton Haus system. In Malaysian construction industry, using IBS as a method of construction is evolving. Nowadays, more local manufacturers have established themselves in the market. Many had acquired enough knowledge through technology transfer to build up own capacity in IBS technologies and this research are base on PKNS Engineering, and Setia Precast and Global Globe. The current stage of IBS used in Malaysia housing projects can be classified into four categories. It was reported that at least 21 manufactures and suppliers of IBS are actively promoting their systems in Malaysia. IBS move to the next step of the development through the establishment of IBS Centre at Jalan Chan Sow Lin, Cheras in Kuala Lumpur. Using IBS in the construction will improve the total performance and quality of construction, as well as to minimize the unskilled foreign labour in the construction industry. 2.3 Classification of Building System There are four types of building system currently available in Malaysias building system classification and this are according to Badir Razali (1998). The building system can be namely as a Conventional Column-beam- slab frame system with timber and plywood; Cast in-situ system with steel or aluminium as formwork; the Composite building system and Prefabricated system and this four types of building system is shown as below. Each building system is represented by its respective construction method which is further characterised by its construction technology, functional and geometrical configuration. There from the four systems, are identified as IBS excluding conventional building system. Building System Conventional Column-beam- slab frame system with timber and plywood. Cast in-situ system with steel or aluminium as formwork. Composite building system Prefabricated system Table Form Tunnel Form Panel system Frame system Box system Flow Chart 1: Type of building system in Malaysia. 2.3.1 Conventional Construction Method Conventional construction method is defined as components of the building that are prefabricated on site through the processes of timber or plywood formwork installation, steel reinforcement, and cast in-situ. This construction method is mostly built of reinforced concrete frames for conventional building. Using the wooden formwork mainly is for the traditional construction method and need take some time to construct the formwork before concreting. This construction method is much more costly for construction which is need includes total labour requirement, raw material, transportation and very importance once is low speed of construction. 2.3.2 Cast In-Situ Construction Method This cast in-situ construction method is more suitable for a country where the unskilled labour is limited. There construction method is not a using heavy machinery or high technology involved. The system is technically and applicable to almost all types of building design. The formwork is used as a mould where wet concrete is poured into a temporary system and the temporary system also acts as a temporary support for the structures. The main objective of a cast in-situ construction method is to weed out and reduce the using traditional timber formwork, brickwork, and plastering. A carefully planned in-situ work can maximise the productivity, speed and accuracy of prefabricated construction. Cast in-situ method uses lightweight prefabricated formwork made of steel or fibreglass or aluminium that is easily erected and dismantled. The steel reinforcement is placed within the formwork after finishes construct the formwork. After placing the reinforcement they are being erected and concrete is poured into the mould. When the concrete is set and according to the required strength, the moulds are dismantled. The workers can be easily trained to erect the moulds and set the steel reinforcement. These construction methods are required limited labour and it will reduce the total labour need. Its advantages over the conventional construction method include, low skill workers requirement, speedy construction, low building m aintenance, durable structure and less construction cost. 2.3.3 Composite Construction Method The main objectives of composite construction method or call partially prefabricated are to improve quality of components, reduce construction cost, and shorten total all construction time. It is used to describe a manufacturing or production strategy that selectively uses some industrialising aspects, while avoiding or postponing the use of others. The concept of composite construction method is derived from the composite nature of full industrialisation. The prefabricated construction method is combined in such a manner that the features applied could be prominently demonstrated, especially composing various works such as temporary facilities, building frames, building finishes, and equipments. 2.3.4 Prefabricated Construction Method In this prefabricated construction method, all structural elements can be standardised are prefabricated in the factory. Usually, this construction method would absorb the assembly of precast elements such as floor slabs, in-filled walls, bathrooms, and staircases into place for incorporation into the main units, columns and beams. This construction method will increase the productivity of the industry and it will reduce the amount of site labour involved in building operations. Precast building systems can reduce the time of a project if certain conditions are met. The last three construction methods (from the flow chart 1) are considered as a non conventional construction methods. These three types of construction method are specifically aimed at increasing performance of construction. Through using the better construction machinery, equipment, technology and materials and it will increase the productivity and total quality of work. 2.4 Classification of IBS According to Badir et al. (1998), IBS can be classified according to several aspects:- Classification according to structural system. Classification according to material. Classification according to relative weight of components. 2.4.1 Classification According to Structural System According to Abraham Warszawski (1999), IBS can be classified according structural systematic aspects. The IBS can be classifies into three categories such as:- Frame System. Panel system. Boxes system. Figure 1, 2, and 3 below as shows the concept of the system as classified above. Frame System According to Badir (1998), linear and frame system is system that use main structure such as column and beam where columns and beams support all the building weight. The walls need to be light and easy to install and concrete panels are introduces as flooring element. Panel System According to Badir (1998), in the panel system, loads are distributed through large floor and wall panels where walls support the building weight. This system is applicable to buildings which functionally require a large number of walls such as apartment house, hotel and hospital. This system is not applicable to buildings with large spans or many stories. So, this panel system is more suitable to build the public housing in the certain high storey. Box System According to Badir (1998), the rectangular or three dimensional systems or boxes system include those systems that employ three dimensional modules or boxes for fabrication of habitable units that is capable of withstanding load from various directions due to their internal stability. 2.4.2 Classification According to Material Timber The timber have a two types of prefabrication which is ready-cut plus shop fabrication of joints this mostly for the columns and beams and another is structural panels where there are only for walls and floors without columns and beams. Brick and Block work Laying of brick or block work are carried out in a mass at factory and transported to site or on site construction. Besides the, building are under construction in the form of panel and then erected. Steel Steel construction essentially contains factors of prefabrication which is one of the criteria of IBS. Elements are jointed by welding, riveting or bolting on site. The large proportion of the strength to the weight allows a long-span or high-rise building. Reinforced Concrete There are two basic directions in development of reinforced concrete IBS component which is panelised components such as walls and floors and precast frame members such as columns and beams. The characteristic of reinforced concrete has high degree of availability, low material cost, durability, and fire resistance. Jointing at site is the key issue of this system. 2.4.3 Classification According to Relative Weight of Component The IBS components can be classified according to their relative weight as show in Table 1 below. Relative to weight of components should be used as a basic for building classification due to the factor of weight has significant impact on the transportability of components and has influence on the production method of the components and their erection method on site. No General System System Production Material 1 Frame System Light weight frame Wood, light gage metals Medium light weight frame Metal, reinforced plastics, laminated wood Heavy weight frame Heavy steel, concrete 2 Panel system Light and medium weight panel Wood frame, metal frame and composite material Heavy weight panel (factory produced) Concrete Heavy weight panel (tilt up-produced on site) Concrete 3 Box system (modules) Medium weight box (mobile) Wood frame, light gage metal, composite Medium weight box (sectional) Wood frame, light gage metal, composite Heavy weight box (factory produced) Concrete Heavy box (tunnel produced on site) Concrete Table 1: Building system classification according to relative weight of component. (Majzub, 1977) 2.5 Types of IBS and Apply to Public Housing According to CIDB (2003), the IBS is a construction process that using techniques, products, components, or building system which involve prefabricated components and on-site installation. Base on the structure aspects of the system, IBS can be identified into five major groups such as:- Precast Concrete Framing, Panel and Box Systems Precast concrete elements are the most common type in this area. There are precast concrete for columns, beams, slabs, walls, lightweight precast concrete, and permanent concrete formwork. This all item are consider using precast method. Besides that, it is also consist of 3D components such as balconies, staircases, toilets, lift chamber, refuse chambers and etc. This precast method is more famous for the construction industry, especially for the public housing when construct using the IBS. Using this method can saving the total construction time if compare to the conventional method. Steel Formwork Systems This is the system formwork which designed by manufacturer to replace a conventional timber formwork. It can be described as a mould which the wet concrete can be poured into the mould and form the required shape. These steel formworks systems are subjected to structural quality control and generally involve site casting. So, this type of IBS method is considered as the low level or least prefabrication in the construction industry. However, this steel formwork systems does offer fast construction and construction time saving and at the same time will provide high quality of finishes with less site labour and material requirement. These steel formwork systems will include table forms, tunnel forms, tilt-up systems, beam and columns moulding forms and permanent steel formworks like metal decks and etc. This steel formwork system also one of the famous system used by the contractor during the construction. Steel Framing Systems These steel framing systems have always been the popular choice and used extensively in the fast track construction projects and this system commonly used with precast concrete slabs, steel columns and beams. Current stage of development in this type of IBS includes the increased usage of light steel trusses. It is consisting of cost-effective profiled cold-formed channels and steel portal frame systems as alternatives to the heavier traditional hot-rolled sections. Nowadays, this method is more useful for the housing project, especially for the steel roof trusses (show as below figure 6). This is because the timber roof trusses need the labour to take some time to construct it and lastly need the anti-termite for the timber roof trusses. Prefabricated Timber Framing Systems These prefabricated timber framing systems is using the timber in the construction industry for construct the building. Usually the timber framing system are consists of timber building frames and timber roof trusses (show as below figure 7). While the steel framing systems have been the more popular choice on construction industry, but the timber roof truss system also have its own market where it is offering interesting designs from simple dwelling units to buildings requiring high aesthetical values such as chalets for resorts. This prefabricated timber framing system we can see in the traditional building. Block Work Systems By using this effective alternative system, the tedious and time-consuming traditional brick laying tasks are greatly simplified. The construction method of using conventional bricks has been revolutionize
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