Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Christianity And Its Effects On Modern Culture And Society
Jabari Baptiste Christopher Martinez REL2300 14 November 2014 Christianity and its Effects on Modern Culture and Society Christianity, the way and teachings of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. It is the largest and most popular religion in the world with about a whopping 2.1 billion religious followers positioned all around the world. Christianity has had such an important impact on the course of the history of the world since its creation about 2,000 years ago that even today both Christian followers and non-Christians still follow the moral and ethical teachings presented by Jesus Christ within Christianity in their everyday lives. These moral and ethical teachings of Jesus Christ have made such a great impression throughout the years since its creation that today most non-Christians at least tend to respect Jesus as a great moral and ethical leader and teacher, but turn their back to the spiritual supernatural aspect of him. To most historians the Bible is usually described as a book like no other. It is a sacred text that can arguably be consider ed the most influential book ever published in the history of the world. Its powerful message has affected every department of human nature and human interaction. The contents of the biblical scriptures has supplied the themes and inspiration to drive the greatest poets, artists and musicians which the world has ever seen, and it has been the mightiest factor of all in shaping the moral progression of the human race. Christianity hasShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of The Gnostic Movement On The Way Of Looking At The World Essay1650 Words  | 7 Pagesthe elements are not associated with the current practises of Christianity. However, the underlying belief in a single and absolute higher power remains. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Child Protective Services The Role Of Substance Abuse,...
Engagement in Child Protective Services: The Role of substance Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Race Engagement can be defined in many ways including, attendance, participation, collaboration, compliance and motivation. Parents play a huge role in their children’s life, but, sometimes parents do not engage much with their children which can face significant negative consequences. Substance abuse affects lives in a negative way therefore, parents should be more engaging with their children so they can prevent their children of being victims of drugs, alcohol, or other substances. There are two primary factors for the focus on parental engagement. The minimal level of engagement is necessary in order for families to receive the benefit of child welfare services. The second primary factor is that the courts decides the legal actions of parental engagement. Some families who are victims of substances also struggle with housing or mental illness issue. There are several actions of behavior lack of engagement which includes parents not making appointments for their children on tim e, as well as not allowing a social work to enter to their home, and the lack of following up with treatment goals and inconsistent contract with their children. Parental engagement has been a challenge for child protection workers. When a family is going through issues like violence or substance abuse it is hard to focus on the children. Not having connection or communication with children canShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence and Its Effect on Children4845 Words  | 20 Pagesdomestic violence homes are constantly being exposed to verbal and physical abuse, directly or indirectly, it has to account for some form of damage within them. They generally suffer in silence, but often develop high levels of aggression, anger issues and anxiety, and often become depressed, there is even a potential to develop Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Therefore, it is imperative that research continue to be conducted in order to further understand how being exposed to domestic violence willRead MoreDomestic Violence and Social Problems1268 Words  | 6 PagesDomestic violence is a devastating social problem that impacts every sector of our population. D omestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner(USDOJ,2012). Domestic violence can be physical, economic, emotional, sexual, or psychological. Physical domestic violence is an attempt to impose physical injury such as grabbing, slapping, hitting, biting, etc. Physical violence can alsoRead MoreIntimate Partner Violence ( Rdp ) Or Domestic Violence3392 Words  | 14 PagesIntroduction Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) or domestic violence (DV) reportedly affects more than 5 million Americans each year (Goodley Fowler, 2006). 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It also demonstrates an ability to study relevant law in social work practice and have a critical and analytical understanding of the service delivery standards and powers and duties of social workers, demonstrate a working knowledge and understanding of key areas of welfare law that are significant to service users analyses the tensions and dilemmas that arise in the implication of the law in socia l work practice and be able to demonstrate a commitment to the anti-oppressiveRead MoreFemale Criminality11608 Words  | 46 Pagescommitting crimes at an elevated rate, along with committing different crimes than their male counterparts. Elizabeth Cauffman notes in her research that female crime has been linked to chronic behavioral problems during childhood, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health problems and disorders such as emotional disturbance and depression, which is directly linked to conduct disorder (Cauffman, 2008, pp.6). By 2006, females accounted for 41% of arrests for larceny, 33% of arrests for forgery and counterfeitingRead MoreEpekto Ng Polusyon19213 Words  | 77 PagesDomestic violence: Moving On A Qualitative Investigation Exploring How women Move On From Violent Relationships Researcher: Carole Le Darcy Supervisor: Dr Sue Becker Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincerest thanks and gratitude to all of the exceptionally strong women that participated in this research that have freely given not only some of their precious and valuable time but have also revealed that which is sadly all too often concealed; the remarkable, courageous and oftenRead MoreThe Problem Of Homelessness And The Housing Crisis Essay4360 Words  | 18 Pagesinstability, linking major social institutions such as child welfare, public assistance and criminal justice. Mass incarceration, a growing problem in American society, is affecting an increasing number of children and families across multiple domains. While several recent studies have investigated the effects of paternal incarceration on family finances and parent-child relationships, there has been little research on the consequences for child housing stability. Even less is known about the mechanismsRead MoreCommon Induction Standards Essay22388 Words  | 90 PagesSeptember 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Standard 1 – Understanding The Principles of Care†¦ 1.1 Values 1.2 Confidentiality 1.3 Person-centred Approach Test Your Knowledge†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Standard 2 – Understanding the Organisation and the Role of the Worker 2.1 Your Role As A Worker 2.2 Policies and Procedures 2.3 Worker Relationships Test Your Knowledge†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Standard 3 – Maintain Safety At Work†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3.1 Health and Safety 3.2 Moving and handling 3.3 Fire safety 3.4 Emergency First Aid 3Read MoreEssay Paper84499 Words  | 338 PagesAR 600–20. AR 600–20 †¢ 18 March 2008/RAR 20 September 2012 UNCLASSIFIED i Contentsâ€â€Continued Military grade and rank †¢ 1–6, page 2 Precedence between Soldiers and other Service members serving with the Army †¢ 1–7, page 4 Precedence between members of the Army and members of foreign military services serving with the Army †¢ 1–8, page 5 Chapter 2 Command Policies, page 6 Chain of command †¢ 2–1, page 6 Open door policies †¢ 2–2, page 6 Performance counseling †¢ 2–3, page 6 StaffRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pages53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri 213 7 The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward a Transregional Perspective †¢ Gabrielle Hecht and Paul N. Edwards 271 8
Monday, December 9, 2019
Systems Analysis and Design Fundamentals
Question: Discuss about the Systems Analysis and Design Fundamentals. Answer: Introduction Projects are usually designed to help achieve certain predetermined goals that are established by the project team before any work concerning the project is initiated .This means that an organization has to identify certain needs that require a given project for them to be satisfied, these are often referred to as project goals and they are the determinants of all activities and plans that are carried out concerning the project at hand, by accurately the project goals it becomes easy to set timelines for a project as well as set accurate budget estimations as well as identifying all the factors that need to be put in place for the success of a project. How correctly the project planning process is carried out and the resulting adherence to the initial plan determines the success of a project. Project Management is the process of ensuring that the implementation of a given project is carried out correctly within the timelines and the budget set through initiation, planning execution, controlling and completion of a given project to ensure that its objectives are met. There is usually a success criteria involved in the process .This report offers an analysis and analysis of Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System. The Report will be structured into three main parts. Project Influences A number of factors are responsible for the outcome f a given project. They are re commonly referred to as project Influencers abbreviated as PESTLE referring to political, economic, and social, Technological Legal and environmental factors. For Denver mostly the project was to a large extent dependent on the technology. Failure to pay keen attention to the technology might have been one of the causes of failure (Rebentisch, 2016). Environmental factors include factors such as climate and climate change. Since this was to occupy a 140 km piece of land, any serious weather changes such as heavy rains resulting to floods could have serious impact on the project. Legal factors such as health and safety of the people constructing and those using the system could also have affected it. Social factors are the cultural aspects of a given community that can affect a given project while economic factors are any changes in the economy that can have significant impact on a project. These includ e factors such as inflation which can escalate the budget estimates for a project. Political factors such as taxation had an impact on the overall cost of the project. As Project manager of the Denver Airport project I would have taken sufficient time to consider the technological complexities that were involved so the initial planning phase would take consideration of the anticipated technological challenges in the design and functionality of the integrated baggage handling system without underestimation of its complexity. This would ensure that the system was able to achieve its intended objectives. As a manager I would also ensure proper leadership though planning, control and evaluation to ensure that the project was completed without the delays that were experienced thus the extra cost would have been saved. Some of the decisions could have been avoided such as allowing continuation of the project without sorting out the challenges that were experienced (Gaynor,2010). As a project manager I would therefore have ensured that each implementation stage was successfully carried out and any challenges identified sorted out before implementation wou ld proceed to the next phase. With the growing demand in airport services the rise in the number of people seeking to travel by Air to and from the United States, the construction of Denver Airport was a great necessity. This was going to be the largest airport in the United States and would be attending to an approximate number of 50 yearly. This would have been a great plus for the Air transport industry as the airport would provide a greater capacity that would ease congestion in other airports across the country. Besides the airport services that the Airport would be providing to its clients, the airport would also be able to provide huge amount of revenue to the City of Denver and provide employment by cementing Denver City as an Air transportation hub. Therefore despite the challenges faced with the Baggage handling system that led to delay in the opening of the Airport, it was a great idea to build Denver Airport as it would be able to boost the Air transport significantly (Kerzner, 2013). Assessing project Viability Feasibility study is an analysis of an identified project to determine its viability or its successful completion by considering a number of factors that technological, economic social and legal that may affect it. Feasibility studies are used by project managers to determine the possible positive and pessimistic outcomes of a given project before embarking on its implementation. Feasibility ensures among other things the economic justification of a project .this means that the project should be in position of having a positive impact on the economic status of the person or organization implementing it (Hass,2009). I would therefore need to consider impactful this new project would be o the operations of the airport this would be though cost vs benefit analysis .I would also need to carefully analyze the complexities involved in the new project vs the technical expertise available to meet these end results .Finally I would also consider the financial estimates and the scope of the project to ascertain how the project would be able to meet its end results within the set budget and scope. Denver Airport project can be analyzed in terms of its duration and budget. Based on the on the duration set aside for this project which was initially two years the project can be assessed as a large project .Also based on the area in square kilometers that the project was going to cover and the number of people and units that it was supposed to serve concurrently, it can be classified as a large project .Apart from time and cost, complexity, project change and strategic importance can also be used in assessing the size and scale of Denver Airport construction project (Crowder,Carbone Demijohn, 2015). Projects are usually designed to achieve certain outcomes of generate some benefits. The cost of a project should be directly proportional to the expected benefit of the project this means that if there is a large budget for a project the expected benefits are supposed to be many and vice versa .However if a projects cost is more than its expected benefits the viability of project becomes questionable. Its therefore important to analyze projects cost and profitability in order to establish if the project will have appositive or negative outcome (Estrella, 2007). I would decide the effectiveness of the decision made based on their outcomes .For example if the decision made such as the decision to extend the timeline for the project and it benefits or shortcomings (Kock,2007). If a decision made lead to any positive change or resulted in an overall improvement of the project then I would term it as effective. For the wrong decisions that were made, I would recommend their review by all the team members so that better decisions that would enable the project to achieve its determined outcomes would be achieved. Value management in construction management plays significant role in ensuring that the project achieves continuous innovation and overall improvement of the project. The plan will help to keep the project team motivated in order to improve the overall outcome of the project. Project risks are those factors that are likely to affect the achievement of the project objectives within the established time. Risk management is the process through which risks are identified, analyzed and prioritized. Risk management will ensure that the implementation of the project is carried out according to the initial plan by helping identification and elimination of risks (Demarco Lister, 2013). Quality management is the process of ensuring that the activities involved in a given project including the estimated outputs and benefits as well as the processes to arrive at these benefits meet the expectations of the stakeholders. Quality management will ensure that the project team work towards the achievement of project objectives (Winch, 2010). In project management, change refers to anything that has the ability of impacting the projects processes, tasks, job functions of the project team as well as structures. Change management is therefore the process that is used to manage change any change occurring to the project and the project team .It helps in keeping the project on course (Laar Punter, 2010). In the context of project management, environmental management refers to the process of managing the overall impact of the project to the environment .Environmental management will ensure that the potential impact of the project on the environment is minimized as much as possible. Health and safety management refers to all the strategies put in place to safeguard the health and safety of the project team. This will ensure that the potential impact of the project on the project team is minimized. In the context of project management Resource management refers to the process of allocating project resources effectively and efficiently. This will ensure that the resources set aside for a project are not wasted unnecessarily. The success of a project is solely dependent on how effectively these plans are handled. Successful consideration of these plans ensures that the project is able to achieve its objectives .It also ensures that a project is successfully completed within the time set and within the budget (Shenhar Dvir,2007). Conclusion Based on the above analysis, it is therefore important to note that there are several factors that come at play in as far as project management is concerned .Failure to consider these plans lead as well as poor decision making to the absolute failure of Denver International Airport Baggage handling system, perhaps worlds largest baggage handling system. For successful implementation of a project therefore project influencers need to be analyzed by the stakeholders so that it is possible to deal with all factors that might tamper with the scope of the project as well as its achievement of predetermined objectives .Apart from project Influencers assessing the viability of a project is also paramount. Viability of a project enables project stakeholders to weigh the project benefits against its cost. Had this been done for the Baggage handling system, it would have been possible to identify what the outcomes of the project such as its high maintenance costs and perhaps an alternative wou ld have been sought. Finally planning would have made it possible to complete the project within the time set and budget and the extra cost could have been saved. Reference List Rebentisch, E. (2016). Integrating program management with systems engineering. [Place of publication not identified], John Wiley Sons. Crowder, J. A., Carbone, J. N., Demijohn, R. (2015). Multidisciplinary systems engineering: architecting the design process. Cham, Springer. Demarco, T., Lister, T. R. (2013). Waltzing with bears: managing risk on software projects. Estrella, J. A. (2007). Identifying software project risks in the Canadian financial services sector: an international comparative study. Markham, Ont, Agilitek Corporation. Gaynor, G. H. (2010). Decisions: finding your way through the maze. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. Hass, K. B. (2009). Managing complex projects: a new model. Vienna, VA, Management Concepts. Information systems foundations: constructing and criticising workshop, gregor, S. D., Hart, D. N. (2005). Information systems foundations: constructing and criticising. Canberra, ANU E Press. Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: case studies. Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley Kock, N. F. (2007). Systems analysis design fundamentals: a business process redesign approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif, Sage Publications. Laar, P. V. D., Punter, T. (2010). Views on evolvability of embedded systems. Dordrecht, Springer. Reussner, R. (2016). Modeling and simulating software architectures: the Palladio approach. Shenhar, A., Dvir, D. (2007). Reinventing project management: the diamond approach to successful growth and innovation. Oz, E. (2016). Management information systems. Boston, Thomson Course Technology. Winch, G. (2010). Managing construction projects: an information processing approach. Chichester, Blackwell Pub.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Movie CharlieS Angels Essays - English-language Films,
Movie ?Charlie'S Angels? Thomas Kim The film, ?Charlie's Angels? was a visually motivated movie. This film fit under the genre of action/comedy. The action and camera work moved the story forward while keeping the audience attentive. The primary characters were Dylan, a rebellious tomboy, Natalie, a ditzy encyclopedia, Alex, a no nonsense achiever and Eric Nox, a criminal mastermind. Dylan, Natalie and Alex are the main protagonists who work as detectives for a mysterious figure known as Charlie. Dylan's motivation is her yearning to have a father figure, which ultimately leads her to protect her boss, Charlie. Natalie and Alex's motivations are tied to Dylan's while Natalie is also searching for love and Alex is trying to open up to her boyfriend. Eric Nox's motivation is to have revenge for the death of his father. Our three heroines, Alex, Dylan and Natalie are highly trained super detectives who are hired to find a missing voice recognition computer program and the program's creator, Eric Nox. The three girls determine through some detective work that their main suspect is Nox's main competitor, Redstar Communications. The three go undercover and plant a link to Redstar's main computer network. They soon discover that they have been double crossed by Eric Nox who only used the girls to gain access to Redstar's communication satellites which he will use in conjunction with his voice recognition program to locate the elusive Charlie whom he blames for the death of his father. Bosley, the liaison between the girls and Charlie, is kidnapped in order to locate Charlie. The girls must now find Bosley and Eric Nox and prevent Eric from locating Charlie. The girls free Bosley but Eric Nox has already located Charlie and flies to kill him in an attack helicopter. Alex, Dylan and Natalie manage to get aboard the helicopter and reprogram the missile, which Eric Nox is planning on using to kill Charlie. The missile instead of destroying Charlie is diverted and kills Eric Nox instead. Charlie is saved and the girls go on vacation. The primary source of conflict is that the girls are pressed for time in locating Eric Nox before he locates Charlie. The need to protect Charlie is the main drive in the girls' actions. The characters were exposed through situations which revealed their inner beings. Dylan's mother died when she was young and she never had a chance to meet her father. The lack of a father figure creates a need for Dylan to protect the one father figure she has in Charlie. Natalie wants to find a good man who she can love. When she meets a man who understanding and supportive she wants everything to work out. Alex has not been completely honest with her boyfriend and she wants to open up to him. Eric Nox's father was killed while he was serving in the army. He believes that Charlie, who was best friends with Eric's father, killed him. Now he wants revenge. I give the movie one and a half thumbs up. The movie was entertaining albeit unrealistic. The action scenes were like eye candy. Through the use of slow motion, stop motion and intricate choreography the fight scenes are reminiscent of the antigravity duels in ?The Matrix?. The witty lines in the script, undoubtedly credited towards scribe, Ed Solomon, helped to alleviate the ridiculousness of the action scenes. Overall the movie's main goal is to entertain the eyes with a feast of special effects and chop-socky battles between the characters and the movie delivers with a flash-poppy eye candy film.
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