Thursday, October 31, 2019
A Rhetorical analysis about I shouldn't have to press '1' for english Essay
A Rhetorical analysis about I shouldn't have to press '1' for english - Essay Example Also there is the political face of it, whereby the economic and political policy’s are established and preserved by the government mainly for the special benefit of the ruling class, the wealthy influential not for the advantage of working individuals, people of color. This economic dismay that we are experiencing is similar for the Latinos and Blacks. This shows the unjust, undemocratic and unequal society we are dwelling in. Few researchers have found out that the mean wealth of the white family is twenty times that of a Black family. The wealth ratios are very unequal rising up a few questions. Is it the color? Is it the inability to do certain things? Looking at inflation, in 2005-2009 the medium fell 53% amid the black households, evaluated with a simple 16% amid the white families. Looking at home equality, Blacks declined by half, illustrating how many were left out. An analysis carried out suggests that the Blacks were forefront of the housing real estate market boil of the 1990s and in the early 2000s however that have since been amid the situations experiencing the steepest turn downs in the housing
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Manage Accountability --budget Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Manage Accountability --budget - Assignment Example A budget is a forecast or an estimation of the expected income or revenue and a projection of the intended expenses and how these expenses will be funded. Budgeting is a process that not only lies with the financial department but with the whole management since it requires making decisions regarding the projects to be funded, the expenses to be cut down to reduce the cost and other decisions regarding capital investments, marketing and so forth. This purpose of this paper is to categorically prove why the decision to revert the budget from improvement of a local county highway to expand an interstate freeway, was a viable decision in line with management accountability and cost benefit application. The best procedure I will implement in an effort to analyze the utilization of those funds is the zero-based budgeting procedure. This system of budgeting requires that all departments in a firm to justify all allocations and expenses for each new period and not relying on past expenditure trend (Bhattacharrya, 2011). This system assumes that there is neither carrying forward of balances nor existence of current obligations. The requirement is that all activities in the period will be implemented on the basis of cost-benefit analysis, which advocates for a systematic resource allocation criteria. It is with no doubts that this system will suit this project. This is because this process comes as an alternate to the others and is fully funded. This means there would be no need at all to revisit the past expenditure plan. The system helps to identify areas that result to wasting resources and elimination. This is the common goal of every organization as a means of benefiting from cutting costs of unessential areas (Bhattacharrya, 2011). In a survey carried in 2009 of government Budget Transparency, found out that the misuse
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Industrialised Building System for Malaysia Public Housing
Industrialised Building System for Malaysia Public Housing The Malaysia construction industry plays an important role in generating wealth to the country and development of social and economic infrastructures and building. The industry provides job opportunities for 800,000 people which represented 8% of total workforce (CIMP, 2006). The construction industry is one of the productive sectors that constantly contribute to the economy. According to CIDB (2003), the IBS is a construction technique in which components are manufactured in a controlled environment (on or off site), transported, positioned and assembled into a structure with minimal additional site works. IBS is not new to the construction industry in Malaysia. Only it has now remerged worldwide into the 21st century as a reasonable solution to improve overall construction image and performance. The Malaysia government has spared no effort to bring IBS to the drawing tables of all professionals involved in the built environment. Based on the IBS Roadmap (2003), the IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 has been endorsed by the Cabinet of Ministers to be the blueprint document for the industrialisation of the Malaysia construction sector. This is because under the Seventh Malaysia Plan (1996-2000) the Government of Malaysia for the first time to introduced the Low Medium Cost Housing category (the previously it was classified together with medium cost housing category) due to the always increasing demand for housing in this category. In additional, it is to ensure that the middle low income group with salary ranging from RM1,501.00 to RM2,500.00 per month and able to own a house. However, the pricing of low medium cost housing are around RM42,001.00 to RM60,000.00 per unit only. Using IBS in this types of housing project are more suitable because high volume and stability of demand for buildings is the advantages of using IBS. Besides that, it will also reduce the selling price of low medium cost housing. The IBS is a manufactured the building components at factories (off site manufacture), will enable cost saving; safety and health; productivity and quality improvement through the reduction of labour intensity and construction standardisation. Apart from this method, it also offers minimal site wastage, less site materials, cleaner and neater environment, controlled quality, and lower total construction costs. Using higher percentage of IBS in the construction of public housing and other building projects will provide better productivity, quality, and safety, especially for the total construction time saving and cost saving. IBS will contribute towards a better construction industry, as well as improve the global competitiveness of Malaysian builders. Nowadays, IBS in Malaysia become more popularity in the construction industry especially for the Government project. An early effort by the Government of Malaysia to promote usage of IBS and develop an Open Building system (OBS) concept as an alternative to conventional and labour intensive construction method has yet to make headway. According to Works Minister Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamed, the prefabricated parts will be used in all Government projects in a proposal to reduce the dependence on foreign workers. Besides that, it wills also reducing inherent social problems involving these foreign workers. The use of prefabricated parts was part of the IBS which would be adopted for all Government projects. The Government of Malaysia has ordered all government agencies carrying out development and peoples housing projects to use at least 70% IBS content in those projects. Aim A study into using IBS in the public housing in Malaysia and the popularity apply in the construction. Objectives To study the history of IBS in public housing. To study the classification of various types of IBS and apply to public housing. To identify the benefits and barriers of the IBS in public housing. To identify as a potential method to improve overall construction performance. To identify as a popularity for public housing. Hypothesis Apply IBS into public housing will be one of the better construction methods to construct the building. For the future, the IBS will become more and more popularity for construction industry in Malaysia. For the construction cost, time and quality, IBS will be the better one to control all the construction cost, to speed up the construction times and to provide high quality of components. Background Since early 1960s, IBS has been introduced in Malaysia by the use of precast concrete beam-column element and panelized system (Thanoon, 2003). Nearly, 22.7 acres of land along Jalan Pekeliling was dedicated to the project comprising seven blocks of 17-storey flats (about 3,000 units of low-cost flat and 40 shop lots). These first pilot projects are using the Danish System of large panels in a prefabricated system. The second pilot project is a six block of 17-storey flats and three blocks of 18-storey flats at Jalan Rifle Range and using French Estoit System. Apply the IBS in the construction industry will improve overall construction performance such as standardization, total quality improvement, reduce defect, waste reduction, cost saving and etc. But nothing in this world is perfect, so some barriers of using IBS in the construction industry will be the poor knowledge of install IBS, lack of guidance, lack of professional trained in IBS and etc. Based on IBS Roadmap (2003), IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 was developed and published to steer the direction of IBS implementation and promotion activities and guide the practitioners and policy makers on IBS related issues. Scope and limitation of study This paper shall identify the common types of IBS in the construction industry and apply into public housing in order to determine their impact on construction projects and popularity for the public housing. This study is part of the ongoing research appraising and analyzing how we use the IBS in construction and how many percentage of IBS are using in the construction project. Therefore, this study will include the following areas: Definition of IBS in public housing. The history of the IBS for public housing in Malaysia. Classification of IBS in Malaysia. Various types of IBS in construction industry and which one is more useful for public housing. The advantages and disadvantages of using IBS for public housing. The selling price and the popularity using IBS for public housing to the contractor. Research Methodology Literature Review In the beginning, literature review was conducted to determine an overall idea regarding IBS for public housing. This refers to collecting the latest secondary data and information from different sources which including books, journals, magazines, dissertations, conference papers, and information from the internet. These materials were used for background reading to obtain full understanding and information needed for discussion and analysis in the research. Questionnaires A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The questions will centre on the KL areas mentioned in the above objectives. A multi-option format will be designed and limited to about 30 questions, in order to obtain a high level of response. Project Plan and Schedule Chapter 1 : Introduction This chapter will include the project title, rationale of the study, scope and limitation of study, research goals and methodology. In addition, aims, objective and hypothesis of the study are included under the research goals. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter will display the definition of IBS, history of IBS for public housing, classification of IBS in Malaysia, and benefits and barriers of using IBS in construction project for public housing and this literature review will base on the dissertation objectives. Chapter 3: Research Methodology This chapter will discuss on the technique for data collection to achieve the dissertations aim and objective. Besides, it also includes the research sample and method of analysis for the feedback obtained from the respondents. Chapter 4: Data Analysis This chapter wills surveys and analysis the data collection from the contractor, consultant and developer of people about their opinions, behaviour or knowledge. Chapter 5: Conclusion The conclusion will include summary on the dissertation from chapter 1 to chapter 4 together all the research result to present the overall findings and make appropriate recommendations. References CIDB, 2003. IBS Roadmap 2003-2010. Malaysia: CIDB. CIDB, 2003. National IBS Survey, 2003. Malaysia: CIDB. Kamar, K.A.M.,Alshawi,M. And Hamid,Z.,(2009). Barriers to Industrialised Building System (IBS): The Case of Malaysia. [pdf] United Kingdom: IPGRC. Available at: [Accessed 15 May2010] Mohd Rofdzi Abdullah, Kamarul Anuar Mohd Kamar, Mohd Nasrun Mohd Nawi, Ahmad Tarmizi Haron, Mohammed Arif, (2009). Industrialised Building System: A Definition and Concept. [pdf] United Kingdom: ARCOM. Available at: [Accessed 05 May 2010] CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction This chapter will explain in details and provide the literature review of Industrialised Building System (IBS). Besides that, it will also cover the literature review of building system. Usually, the contents of this chapter are including definitions of IBS, history of IBS in public housing, classification of IBS, types of IBS, characteristic of IBS, benefits and barriers of using IBS in public housing, IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 and IBS scoring system. 2.1 Definitions of IBS Until the present time there has been no single commonly-approved definition of IBS. IBS can be different industry players to define different things. However, there are difference resources to define the several definitions that reflected the concept of IBS and which widely accepted by the construction industry. According to CIDB Malaysia (2001) defines IBS as a construction technique in which components are manufactured in a controlled environment (on or off site), transported, positioned and assembled into a structure with minimal additional site works. As such, components that are being prefabricated in a controlled environment on site are also considered as IBS. While there are numerous descriptions of the IBS concept by local researchers, all of the definitions stressed on prefabrication and mass production. In other definition by Warswaski (1999), the IBS can be defined in which all building are mass produced such as walls, slabs, beams, columns and staircases either in factory or at site factory under strict quality control and minimal wet site activities. Industrialisation process is an investment in equipment, facilities and technology with the purpose of maximising production output, minimizing labour requirement and improving total quality while a building system is defined as a set of interconnected element that joint together to enable the designated performance of a building. Based on Lessing et al (2005) explained IBS as an integrated manufacturing and construction process with well planned organization for efficient management, preparation and control over resources used, activities and results supported by the used of highly developed components. Rahman Omar (2006) defined IBS as a construction system that is built using prefabricated components. The manufacturing of the components is systematically done using machine, formworks and other forms of mechanical equipment. The components are manufactured offsite and once completed will be delivered to construction sites for assembly and erection. Chung Kadir (2007) defined IBS as a mass production of building components either in factory or at site according to the specification with standard shape and dimensions and transport to the construction site to be re-arranged with certain standard to form a building. 2.2 History of IBS in Public Housing IBS in Malaysia has began in early 1960s, according to Thanoon et al (2003) when Ministry of Housing and Local Government of Malaysia visited several European countries, at the same time evaluates their housing development program. In the year 1964 and after their successful visit, the Government had launched pilot project on using IBS to increase the delivery time and to construct better quality and affordable houses. The first pilot project was constructed at Jalan Pekeliling in Kuala Lumpur and about 22.7 acres of land was dedicated to the project comprising four blocks of 4-storey flats and seven blocks of 17-storey flats and comprising total about 3,000 units of low cost flats for the low and median income group and 40 units of shop lots. This housing project was undertaken by Gammon/ Larsen Nielsen and this project are using the Danish System of large panels in a industrialised prefabricated system. According to Thanoon et al (2003), the construction for housing project was complete from 1966 until 1968 (around total 27 months) speed up the time taken in the construction of the around RM 2.5 million casting yard at Jalan Damansara. In 1965, the Government of Malaysia launched a second project, is a three blocks of 18-storey flats and six blocks of 17-storey flats and comprising total about 3,699 units and 66 units of shop lots along at Jalan Rifle Range in Penang. The housing project was honoured by Hochtief/ Chee Seng and this project are using French Estoit System (Din, 1984). This housing project was complete within 27 months. If we are mention to the two pilot projects, a performance comparison between the IBS and the conventional system has been carried in terms of cost, productivity, quality, and time. According to the research, the first pilot project incurred 8.1% higher costs than a similar building such as using conventional construction method, while the second pilot project was lower. In term of total construction speed, both of the housing project required total 27 months to complete the whole project, inclusive of time required to set up the recasting factories. The total quality of building finishes was also found to be better than the using conventional construction method. Another earliest using IBS in public housing project was at Taman Tun Sardon in Penang. These using IBS in public housing project total all about 1,000 units of 5-storey walk up flat and this project are using IBS precast component and system. The IBS precast component and system in the housing project was designed to the low cost housing by British Research Establishment and especially for the low and median income group. According to the research of Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) 2006, almost at the same time at Edmonton in North London, there are using similar system was constructed and total amount about 20,000 BRECAST dwellings were constructed throughout UK from 1964 until 1974. Based on Rahman and Omar (2006), the total all building design was very basic and quite simple and not considering the feature of serviceability such as the local or user needs to have wet toilet and bathroom. According to the CIDB (2006), many constructions in the following years using precast wall panel system. Low cost high rise residential building is one of the processes to survey that IBS was connect at first place in the construction to overcome the increasing demand for housing needs. For all that, in the earlier stage was never sustained for the industrialisation of construction. Failure of early closed fabricated system made the industry afraid of changing their construction method. The information was based on the CIDB (2005), using IBS in construction were also found not be so suitable with Malaysia climate and social practices especially for the foreign systems that were introduced during the late 60s and 70s. Introduced than in the construction market were constantly being newer and better technologies. Based on CIDB (2005), identified to be suitable to be used in our tropical climate is the wet joint systems and it was also better to using in the bathroom types which were comparatively wetter than those in the Europe. Another about 1200 units of housing using prefabrication technology were is launched by the Penang State Government in 1978. After two years later, the Ministry of Defense to be build around 2800 units of living quarters and adopted large prefabricated panel construction system in Lumut Naval Base (Trikha and Ali, 2004). Enhance the using of precast concrete system in high rise residential building during the 90s; this is because total demand for the new township has seen to increase. According to the research, Perbadaan Kemajuan Negari Selangor (PKNS) as a state Government development agency acquired precast concrete technology from Praton Haus International based on Germany to build low cost housing and high cost bungalows between 1981 and 1993 for the new townships in Selangor (Hassim et al, 2009 and National IBS Survey, 2003). It was recorded then; total around 52,000 housing units was constructed and using Praton Haus system. In Malaysian construction industry, using IBS as a method of construction is evolving. Nowadays, more local manufacturers have established themselves in the market. Many had acquired enough knowledge through technology transfer to build up own capacity in IBS technologies and this research are base on PKNS Engineering, and Setia Precast and Global Globe. The current stage of IBS used in Malaysia housing projects can be classified into four categories. It was reported that at least 21 manufactures and suppliers of IBS are actively promoting their systems in Malaysia. IBS move to the next step of the development through the establishment of IBS Centre at Jalan Chan Sow Lin, Cheras in Kuala Lumpur. Using IBS in the construction will improve the total performance and quality of construction, as well as to minimize the unskilled foreign labour in the construction industry. 2.3 Classification of Building System There are four types of building system currently available in Malaysias building system classification and this are according to Badir Razali (1998). The building system can be namely as a Conventional Column-beam- slab frame system with timber and plywood; Cast in-situ system with steel or aluminium as formwork; the Composite building system and Prefabricated system and this four types of building system is shown as below. Each building system is represented by its respective construction method which is further characterised by its construction technology, functional and geometrical configuration. There from the four systems, are identified as IBS excluding conventional building system. Building System Conventional Column-beam- slab frame system with timber and plywood. Cast in-situ system with steel or aluminium as formwork. Composite building system Prefabricated system Table Form Tunnel Form Panel system Frame system Box system Flow Chart 1: Type of building system in Malaysia. 2.3.1 Conventional Construction Method Conventional construction method is defined as components of the building that are prefabricated on site through the processes of timber or plywood formwork installation, steel reinforcement, and cast in-situ. This construction method is mostly built of reinforced concrete frames for conventional building. Using the wooden formwork mainly is for the traditional construction method and need take some time to construct the formwork before concreting. This construction method is much more costly for construction which is need includes total labour requirement, raw material, transportation and very importance once is low speed of construction. 2.3.2 Cast In-Situ Construction Method This cast in-situ construction method is more suitable for a country where the unskilled labour is limited. There construction method is not a using heavy machinery or high technology involved. The system is technically and applicable to almost all types of building design. The formwork is used as a mould where wet concrete is poured into a temporary system and the temporary system also acts as a temporary support for the structures. The main objective of a cast in-situ construction method is to weed out and reduce the using traditional timber formwork, brickwork, and plastering. A carefully planned in-situ work can maximise the productivity, speed and accuracy of prefabricated construction. Cast in-situ method uses lightweight prefabricated formwork made of steel or fibreglass or aluminium that is easily erected and dismantled. The steel reinforcement is placed within the formwork after finishes construct the formwork. After placing the reinforcement they are being erected and concrete is poured into the mould. When the concrete is set and according to the required strength, the moulds are dismantled. The workers can be easily trained to erect the moulds and set the steel reinforcement. These construction methods are required limited labour and it will reduce the total labour need. Its advantages over the conventional construction method include, low skill workers requirement, speedy construction, low building m aintenance, durable structure and less construction cost. 2.3.3 Composite Construction Method The main objectives of composite construction method or call partially prefabricated are to improve quality of components, reduce construction cost, and shorten total all construction time. It is used to describe a manufacturing or production strategy that selectively uses some industrialising aspects, while avoiding or postponing the use of others. The concept of composite construction method is derived from the composite nature of full industrialisation. The prefabricated construction method is combined in such a manner that the features applied could be prominently demonstrated, especially composing various works such as temporary facilities, building frames, building finishes, and equipments. 2.3.4 Prefabricated Construction Method In this prefabricated construction method, all structural elements can be standardised are prefabricated in the factory. Usually, this construction method would absorb the assembly of precast elements such as floor slabs, in-filled walls, bathrooms, and staircases into place for incorporation into the main units, columns and beams. This construction method will increase the productivity of the industry and it will reduce the amount of site labour involved in building operations. Precast building systems can reduce the time of a project if certain conditions are met. The last three construction methods (from the flow chart 1) are considered as a non conventional construction methods. These three types of construction method are specifically aimed at increasing performance of construction. Through using the better construction machinery, equipment, technology and materials and it will increase the productivity and total quality of work. 2.4 Classification of IBS According to Badir et al. (1998), IBS can be classified according to several aspects:- Classification according to structural system. Classification according to material. Classification according to relative weight of components. 2.4.1 Classification According to Structural System According to Abraham Warszawski (1999), IBS can be classified according structural systematic aspects. The IBS can be classifies into three categories such as:- Frame System. Panel system. Boxes system. Figure 1, 2, and 3 below as shows the concept of the system as classified above. Frame System According to Badir (1998), linear and frame system is system that use main structure such as column and beam where columns and beams support all the building weight. The walls need to be light and easy to install and concrete panels are introduces as flooring element. Panel System According to Badir (1998), in the panel system, loads are distributed through large floor and wall panels where walls support the building weight. This system is applicable to buildings which functionally require a large number of walls such as apartment house, hotel and hospital. This system is not applicable to buildings with large spans or many stories. So, this panel system is more suitable to build the public housing in the certain high storey. Box System According to Badir (1998), the rectangular or three dimensional systems or boxes system include those systems that employ three dimensional modules or boxes for fabrication of habitable units that is capable of withstanding load from various directions due to their internal stability. 2.4.2 Classification According to Material Timber The timber have a two types of prefabrication which is ready-cut plus shop fabrication of joints this mostly for the columns and beams and another is structural panels where there are only for walls and floors without columns and beams. Brick and Block work Laying of brick or block work are carried out in a mass at factory and transported to site or on site construction. Besides the, building are under construction in the form of panel and then erected. Steel Steel construction essentially contains factors of prefabrication which is one of the criteria of IBS. Elements are jointed by welding, riveting or bolting on site. The large proportion of the strength to the weight allows a long-span or high-rise building. Reinforced Concrete There are two basic directions in development of reinforced concrete IBS component which is panelised components such as walls and floors and precast frame members such as columns and beams. The characteristic of reinforced concrete has high degree of availability, low material cost, durability, and fire resistance. Jointing at site is the key issue of this system. 2.4.3 Classification According to Relative Weight of Component The IBS components can be classified according to their relative weight as show in Table 1 below. Relative to weight of components should be used as a basic for building classification due to the factor of weight has significant impact on the transportability of components and has influence on the production method of the components and their erection method on site. No General System System Production Material 1 Frame System Light weight frame Wood, light gage metals Medium light weight frame Metal, reinforced plastics, laminated wood Heavy weight frame Heavy steel, concrete 2 Panel system Light and medium weight panel Wood frame, metal frame and composite material Heavy weight panel (factory produced) Concrete Heavy weight panel (tilt up-produced on site) Concrete 3 Box system (modules) Medium weight box (mobile) Wood frame, light gage metal, composite Medium weight box (sectional) Wood frame, light gage metal, composite Heavy weight box (factory produced) Concrete Heavy box (tunnel produced on site) Concrete Table 1: Building system classification according to relative weight of component. (Majzub, 1977) 2.5 Types of IBS and Apply to Public Housing According to CIDB (2003), the IBS is a construction process that using techniques, products, components, or building system which involve prefabricated components and on-site installation. Base on the structure aspects of the system, IBS can be identified into five major groups such as:- Precast Concrete Framing, Panel and Box Systems Precast concrete elements are the most common type in this area. There are precast concrete for columns, beams, slabs, walls, lightweight precast concrete, and permanent concrete formwork. This all item are consider using precast method. Besides that, it is also consist of 3D components such as balconies, staircases, toilets, lift chamber, refuse chambers and etc. This precast method is more famous for the construction industry, especially for the public housing when construct using the IBS. Using this method can saving the total construction time if compare to the conventional method. Steel Formwork Systems This is the system formwork which designed by manufacturer to replace a conventional timber formwork. It can be described as a mould which the wet concrete can be poured into the mould and form the required shape. These steel formworks systems are subjected to structural quality control and generally involve site casting. So, this type of IBS method is considered as the low level or least prefabrication in the construction industry. However, this steel formwork systems does offer fast construction and construction time saving and at the same time will provide high quality of finishes with less site labour and material requirement. These steel formwork systems will include table forms, tunnel forms, tilt-up systems, beam and columns moulding forms and permanent steel formworks like metal decks and etc. This steel formwork system also one of the famous system used by the contractor during the construction. Steel Framing Systems These steel framing systems have always been the popular choice and used extensively in the fast track construction projects and this system commonly used with precast concrete slabs, steel columns and beams. Current stage of development in this type of IBS includes the increased usage of light steel trusses. It is consisting of cost-effective profiled cold-formed channels and steel portal frame systems as alternatives to the heavier traditional hot-rolled sections. Nowadays, this method is more useful for the housing project, especially for the steel roof trusses (show as below figure 6). This is because the timber roof trusses need the labour to take some time to construct it and lastly need the anti-termite for the timber roof trusses. Prefabricated Timber Framing Systems These prefabricated timber framing systems is using the timber in the construction industry for construct the building. Usually the timber framing system are consists of timber building frames and timber roof trusses (show as below figure 7). While the steel framing systems have been the more popular choice on construction industry, but the timber roof truss system also have its own market where it is offering interesting designs from simple dwelling units to buildings requiring high aesthetical values such as chalets for resorts. This prefabricated timber framing system we can see in the traditional building. Block Work Systems By using this effective alternative system, the tedious and time-consuming traditional brick laying tasks are greatly simplified. The construction method of using conventional bricks has been revolutionize
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Constitution of the United States Essay -- Papers History USA Gove
The Constitution of the United States When the Constitution of the United States was first created in 1787, its purpose was to unify our country. However, by 1850, the United States had become 'source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it had created.' What happened during the 63 years after it was first established to 'contribute to the failure of the union it had created?' One must look at what the Constitution promoted to make the country unified and what it did to make it disunified. Compromises such as 3/5, the Missouri, and the tariff of 1850 all helped to unify and shape our country. However, compromises such as the Fugitive Slave Law, Popular Sovereignty, and the slave trade all led to disunify our country. The large populous states naturally wanted the number of representatives in the new Congress to be based on population. The Virginia Plan provided that there would be two houses of Congress and that in each one representation would be based on population. Li ke many other ideas that have made history, it was remarkably simple. Why not divide the Congress into two houses? In one house (the Senate) each state, regardless of population, would have the same number of representatives. In the other house (the House of Representatives) each member would represent the same number of people. 'Quite appropriately this came to be called the Great Compromise. Other major compromises came on slavery and on the control of commerce. The southern states, where the slaves were really treated as property, still wanted the slaves counted as people for the purposes of representation in the New House of Representatives. Some delegates argued that if one kind of property was counted f... ... a truce that announced the opening of fight to the finish. The Missouri Compromise preserved sectional balance for over 30 years and provided time for the nation to mature. The Fugitive Slave Law however, helped lead to the disunification of both the country and the Constitution. The F.S.L. stated that any captured person who claimed to be a free black and not a runaway slave was denied the right to trial by jury. Popular Sovereignty held the greatest possibility maintaining the unity of the Democratic Party and national unity, but that like a lot of other things was proven to be wrong. Buchanan presumably premeditated the Dred Scott Decision but no one really proved it. In conclusion, like stated in the thesis, there were many factors that led to the nation's sectional discord and the unity within the nation. Some of which are still around today but work better.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Example of Interview Protocol
Interview Protocol: 1. How would you define biology? 2. How would you define life? 3. Give 5 examples of life and explain why they exhibit life. 4. What is the smallest unit of life? 5. Is soil alive? Why or why not? 6. Is air alive? Why or why not? 7. What body part makes us most alive? Why? Interview #1 Interviewer (LH): How would you define biology? Interviewee (BM): Um.. as a part of life LH: Okay, how would you define life? BM: Uh.. everything around you†¦from the sky to the grass LH: Can you give 5 examples of life and explain why they exhibit life.BM: Plants, because you need them to breathe oxygen, yourself, because you are you, animals, because they are part of the food chain (she flashed a thumbs up here because she was proud she recalled this information), the sun, because you need it to grow and not be moody, and water, water because everything needs water. LH: Nice.. what is the smallest unit of life? BM: Um†¦um.. um†¦I know this†¦ LH: I know you doâ € ¦ (Another minute passed and never recalled despite looking around the room and looking directly at the cell poster) LH: Is soil alive? Why or why not?BM: Yes, because you can make it grow. LH: Is air alive? Why or why not? BM: Um†¦(about 30 second delay)†¦I am going to say no†¦ LH: Why not? BM: (she shrugs) LH: Okay, go back to how you defined life. How do you define life? What makes something alive to you? BM: It grows and survives. LH: Okay, so is air alive? BM: No, because it doesn’t grow. LH: One of your examples of life was the human body. What part of the human body makes you most alive and why? BM: Your heart because it makes everything move. Because you can live without a brain, can’t you? You can be brain dead.LH: But once your heart gives out then you are dead? BM: Yes, because you still can live†¦ LH: Without a brain but not without a heart? BM: You can live more without a brain then a heart. LH: Very nice, thank you for participatin g. Interview #2: Interviewer (LH): How would you define biology? Interviewee (YC): The study of life. LH: And†¦how do you define life? YC: Something that moving, breathing, functioning LH: Ok.. can you give me five examples of life and explain why they exhibit life. YC: Plants, cause they grow, humans, cause they move around, they function, they think and they also grow.. m.. wait†¦animals cause that’s like humans†¦. um.. LH: Two more YC: I really can’t think of two more. Those are the only ones I can think of right now. LH: Ok, so plants, animals and humans, what is the smallest unit of life? YC: The cell LH: And, is soil alive to you? Why or why not? YC: Um.. yeah because it makes things grow. LH: Okay.. is air alive to you? Why or why not? YC: No, because in order to be alive you have to be, like, functioning, growing, moving and air is just two chemicals put together to make one chemical. LH: Okay, and what body part makes a human being most alive an d why?YC: The heart because without your heart you can’t function, you can’t, because your heart makes your whole body function so without that you won’t be able to function. Because the heart is the one that produces the blood and the blood sends out to all of your†¦um.. cells and all your body parts. It also sends out reflexes. It also helps with your reflexes and everything. LH: Nice, thank you. Analysis: The most surprising part of the interview came after the interview when the two subjects started arguing about their answers. I invited two friends to come after school but interviewed them separately.After I was done with the second interview, the girls started discussing how they answered each question. Their focus was specifically on the last two questions: is air alive and what part of the body makes a human being alive? They started discussing molecules and molecular interactions in air that could create life or prevent life depending on the qualit y of air. In addition, they considered the importance of the brain in the human body and discussed the implications of being brain dead but still alive. After some discussion, the girls decided the brain is the coach and the heart is the player.Both students are basketball players so it helped them to process the information by relating to basketball. In other words, the coach gives direction but the players still have to execute the plays. Another point of interest was the correlation of grades with ease and accuracy of recall. My first subject is receiving a B in my class and the second subject an A. The first subject knew the concepts but had more difficulty with the exact definition. The first subject talked around topics demonstrating knowledge of content standards but had difficulty pinpointing her ideas.The second subject gave exact definitions and answers quickly. The comfort level was visible in the answers provided, both in accuracy and timing. In addition, despite discuss ing the characteristics of life, I realized both students still created a superficial definition of life. They summarized life as something that moves and grows and breathes, but they did not consider reproduction and they are made of cells and more technical aspects of the definition of life. The students also had trouble with their own definition when I started asking them about specific questions regarding living/non-living parts.Although it was interesting the second subject had a greater connection between her definition and her explanation of why a heart is the most critical organ for life. I also noticed when giving examples of life, both subjects focused on broad categories of life: plants, animals, humans and neglected specific examples of living things. I would be interested to see if a younger student would name specific living things or focus on broad categories. I suspect the broad categories come from the fact we are studying cells and just studied ecology and the focu s is on plant versus nimal or consumer versus producer. After completing my interview I realized my questions were too narrow. I tried to predict what the students would say and create appropriate follow-up questions but the questions still had short answers. I need to reflect on how to write my questions to solicit longer responses with more detail to demonstrate feeling. The discrepancy between what I anticipated and what happened could be the result of the nature of the survey and the focus on content compared to my research survey that focuses on experiences and emotions.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hamlet: Context of the Original Version Essay
Shakespeare uses words in his plays that are often confusing to modern readers. His wordplays, however, are what make his works worth reading. That is why there are available resources that attempt to explain at least some of the context of Shakespeare’s words in his plays. One of these resources is a website that offers a translation of the original work into the modern language. The service is called No Fear Shakespeare. The translations, however, does not provide the experience that is brought to the audience that using Shakespeare’s words does. One of the plays that No Fear Shakespeare translates into the modern version is Hamlet. We shall examine and compare how the original version differs in context and complexity from the modern version using Act III scene 4. This is where Hamlet met Gertrude in her room and had killed Polonius. First, we examine that Shakespeare’s words, while may be used in its literal sense, is also used to refer to something else. In fact, the English language is full of connotations and metaphorical usage that it is often easy to undermine the context of Shakespeare’s words by modern readers. Hamlet and Gertrude’s exchange of words in the beginning of the scene, for example, use words that, when translated into modern version, lose their symbolic meaning. The word â€Å"offended†was translated into the word â€Å"insulted†which is not as effective or powerful in use as the original term. â€Å"Idle tongue†was translated simply into â€Å"foolish†and â€Å"wicked tongue†simply into â€Å"evil. †â€Å"Tongue†in the original context is used to refer to the characters’ manner of speaking. Thus, an â€Å"idle tongue†means that Hamlet was speaking without meaning, purpose or basis and â€Å"wicked tongue†while may mean to be literally evil, may also refer to something with mischief. One must remember that Hamlet is very critical about those around him, treating the other characters with suspicion. He knew that there are those who contrive against him and his mother does not escape his doubts. Thus, Hamlet’s use of â€Å"wicked†is more closely applicable to â€Å"mischief†than to â€Å"evil. †Fact is the term â€Å"question†may actually mean â€Å"doubt†in the original context. It is important to note that while the translations closely resemble the meaning of the original, it loses the power of the original. Hamlet also referred to Polonius, although he was unaware that it was Polonius who was behind the tapestry, as a â€Å"rat. †One might be easily led in the modern translation that Hamlet simply means to regard the person literally as a rat which justifies killing it. Those aware of the English language know that the term rat could refer to someone who is despicable, or an informer of sort, a spy perhaps. This meaning is reinforced when Hamlet regarded Polonius as an â€Å"intruding fool†later on. Hamlet also regarded Polonius as â€Å"wretched†and was translated into simply â€Å"low-life,†which hardly compares to the power of the original term that means someone who is in a very unhappy or unfortunate state. The term is also used to express anger, hatred or annoyance. Gertrude’s expression confronting Hamlet stating that he dared to â€Å"wag thy tongue in a noise so rude†was simply translated to â€Å"talk to me so rudely.†One could immediately see the richness of the original passage as compared to the translation. While the meaning of the phrase was preserved, the power and drama of the original was not. The use of figurative speech was also disregarded in the modern translation. For example, when Hamlet cried â€Å"Rebellious hell,†the apostrophe was omitted from the modern translation. The lines were translated not as if Hamlet was calling out to hell, hence, does not retain the richness and complexity of the original. It must be noted that the use of figurative speech makes a literary work an art, and the failure of the translated version to maintain its use in the original passage is a failure to meet the excellence exemplified by the original. The problem that exists in the modern translation of Shakespeare’s plays lies in the context of the meaning of the words, the mystery of its use, and the application of figurative speech. Shakespeare’s words are often richer in context and complex in meaning that it is also the reason of the difficulty to understand some concepts and messages in the play. The meaning, context and complexity of the words as used in the original version disappear when translated into the modern version. Modern versions of the text are usually taken in its literal sense, thus, the author’s real purpose in using the words disappear. Furthermore, the art of using words by applying figurative speech was not preserved in the modern version. Modern translations of the text, while easier to understand, fail to meet the complexities of Shakespeare’s words and come short in the richness of its context.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Machiavelli And Arendt
Machiavelli and Arendt â€Å"Totalitarian policy claims to transform the human species into an active unfailing carrier of a law to which human beings otherwise only passively and reluctantly be subjected.†A statement in Hannah Arendt’s Ideology and Terror: A Novel Form of Government, in this essay she outlines and defines totalitarianism. Her explanation includes many variables that can be misrepresented as those ideals set forth by Niccolo Machiavelli in his 1513 working The Qualities of the Prince. According to Arendt totalitarianism is made of several qualities. She describes an end state of â€Å"world domination†accomplished by tyranny. In this lawless government, a single individual will have power that is provoked in his own interest rather than that of the people. Under this action, there will be no â€Å"general agreement†as to laws that will be implied, rather, there will obedience and humans will follow the â€Å"laws of nature†. Hence, totalitarianism is a movement by mankind to become â€Å"One man†states Arendt. Thus, this statement alone is not congruent with Machiavelli’s idealistic values of a prince. Within his work, Machiavelli outlines and defines those qualities and assumptions that a leader, a prince, must possess in order to succeed or for that matter, fail. In recounting the essay, the Prince first has a duty to become a master of war. In doing so he will be prepared in the time of adversity. By enduring personal sacrifice in peacetime, he will in turn learn to be proactive when facing famine, restlessness and pain. Arendt’s totalitarianism describes the need for a military to destroy all those opposed to the movement. Her use of force is for the destruction of those not in the movement, as Hitler did to the Jewish. Machiavelli’s battle would rather be compared to an Army protecting it’s borders from foreign invasion. The act of a person being generous can often be taken for granted. ... Free Essays on Machiavelli And Arendt Free Essays on Machiavelli And Arendt Machiavelli and Arendt â€Å"Totalitarian policy claims to transform the human species into an active unfailing carrier of a law to which human beings otherwise only passively and reluctantly be subjected.†A statement in Hannah Arendt’s Ideology and Terror: A Novel Form of Government, in this essay she outlines and defines totalitarianism. Her explanation includes many variables that can be misrepresented as those ideals set forth by Niccolo Machiavelli in his 1513 working The Qualities of the Prince. According to Arendt totalitarianism is made of several qualities. She describes an end state of â€Å"world domination†accomplished by tyranny. In this lawless government, a single individual will have power that is provoked in his own interest rather than that of the people. Under this action, there will be no â€Å"general agreement†as to laws that will be implied, rather, there will obedience and humans will follow the â€Å"laws of nature†. Hence, totalitarianism is a movement by mankind to become â€Å"One man†states Arendt. Thus, this statement alone is not congruent with Machiavelli’s idealistic values of a prince. Within his work, Machiavelli outlines and defines those qualities and assumptions that a leader, a prince, must possess in order to succeed or for that matter, fail. In recounting the essay, the Prince first has a duty to become a master of war. In doing so he will be prepared in the time of adversity. By enduring personal sacrifice in peacetime, he will in turn learn to be proactive when facing famine, restlessness and pain. Arendt’s totalitarianism describes the need for a military to destroy all those opposed to the movement. Her use of force is for the destruction of those not in the movement, as Hitler did to the Jewish. Machiavelli’s battle would rather be compared to an Army protecting it’s borders from foreign invasion. The act of a person being generous can often be taken for granted. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Flag Burning Unconstitutional essays
Flag Burning Unconstitutional essays Flag burning is absolutely not a valid form of political expression under the first amendment. Though the Supreme Court, in the case of Gregory Johnson, ruled that it was in fact constitutional to allow people to burn the flag, the evidence against this ruling is overwhelming. First, the first amendment does provide protection to demonstrators wishing to voice their political opinions vocally and symbolically, the amendment does not allow for the desecration of sacred objects such as flags, cemeteries, and public monuments. The Texas law in effect when Gregory Johnson burned an American flag in protest of the American political system clearly states that it is illegal to desecrate such objects. The law defined desecration as physical mistreatment of such objects in a way which the accused knows will offend one or more persons likely to observe or discover the act. When Gregory Johnson burned his flag he clearly intended to make a public display and offend onlookers. The se cond argument against flag burning is that there are many other ways for one to express dislike for the American democratic system than to burn on of its most sacred objects. The flag stands for much more than the fifty states, in the it represents battles fought for the United States by hundreds of thousands of veterans. The flag represents national unity. The third, and most important, argument is that flag burning is an act that could possibly cause a large amount of violence if done in a public place. The first amendment does not protest this type of speech. (Texas vs. Johnson worksheet) The Texas law created to protect sacred objects clearly states that it is illegal to desecrate anything that could case public dismay. In Gregory Johnsons trial several witnesses testified that they were deeply offended by Johnsons act. This argument alone makes flag burning illegal. Gregory Johnson should have been punish...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Treat Geological and Astronomical Terms
How to Treat Geological and Astronomical Terms How to Treat Geological and Astronomical Terms How to Treat Geological and Astronomical Terms By Mark Nichol Determining whether to refer to geological and astronomical terms with initial uppercase or lowercase letters can be a challenge, because various publications and publishers differ on capitalization style. The following guidelines, however, appear to predominate: Names of geological time spans are capitalized, but the terms for the magnitude of duration (eons, eras, periods, epochs, and stages, in descending order of length), are not; in scientific and nonscientific prose alike, these terms can be omitted: â€Å"The Mesozoic is also known as the Age of Dinosaurs.†â€Å"Mrs. Wattle has been teaching Freshman Composition since the Mesozoic.†Whether modifying terms such as early, middle, and late are capitalized depends on whether they are themselves modified: â€Å"Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Late Cretaceous.†â€Å"The Deccan Traps erupted in the very late Cretaceous.†â€Å"Ice age†is considered a generic term because multiple such events have occurred. In astronomy, general terms in proper names of celestial bodies are generally capitalized (â€Å"Orion’s Belt,†â€Å"Barnard’s Star,†â€Å"Comet Halley†). Note, however, that comet is lowercased in lay references to â€Å"Halley’s comet.†In nontechnical contexts, sun and moon are often lowercased: â€Å"She shielded her eyes from the bright light of the sun.†â€Å"Beware when the moon is full.†In works about astronomy, or those in which other celestial bodies are referenced, uppercase them: â€Å"The Sun is merely one of countless stars.†â€Å"The Moon orbits our planet roughly every twenty-eight days.†The same rule applies to the name of our planet. In idioms such as â€Å"where on earth,†â€Å"down to earth,†and â€Å"move heaven and earth,†the name requires no emphasis, and references to our world from a surface perspective and to its soil are likewise lowercased: â€Å"I traveled to the four corners of the earth to find it.†â€Å"The earth here is rich and loamy.†But the word as the name of the planet should be emphasized like any other: â€Å"The first four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, consisting mostly of rock and metals, are called the terrestrial planets.†(Note that Earth, in such contexts, need not be, and rarely is, preceded by the.) General terms like â€Å"solar system,†galaxy, and universe are usually not capitalized; some publications and books uppercase them (especially in references to our own solar system and the Milky Way galaxy). Names of celestial phenomena and objects such as the aurora borealis and the rings orbiting Jupiter and Saturn are lowercased. Remember, too, when discussing the planets orbiting the Sun, that Pluto was in 2006 demoted to a dwarf planet one of four in the solar system’s distant Kuiper belt (a fifth dwarf planet lies in the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter), and may not even be the largest one. (The scientific jury is still out on whether the similarly sized Eris is larger). And why is belt capitalized in â€Å"Orion’s Belt†and not in â€Å"the Kuiper belt†? In the former term, it’s a reference to part of the personification of the Orion constellation, but in the latter, it’s merely a description, just as in â€Å"the asteroid belt.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†Select vs. SelectedSit vs. Set
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Philosophical aspects of qualitative research Essay
Philosophical aspects of qualitative research - Essay Example Philosophical tenets influence qualitative research in relation to data analysis, data collection approach and research questions. Philosophical aspects of social science are applicable in qualitative research. Qualitative research in social science involves focusing on exploring of ideas, meanings, patterns, inconsistencies and the nature of conflicts in individual’s behaviors and thoughts (Bryman, 2009). The technique provides a technique of eliminating cases of bias in interpreting data. A core value in the use of qualitative research is that it is interpretative and interactive. Philosophical theories are applicable in qualitative research influence the process of data analysis, the general approach to data collection and formulation of research questions. In qualitative research, the data analysis aims at finding understandable output. The focus of the analysis is not in simplification of figures, but it concentrates on giving the figures, some meanings (Hammersley & Traianou, 2012). The approach used in the data collection process greatly affects qualitative research techniques. The nature of the data collected in quantitative research must be in a form that is easy to interpret. Qualitative research questions often lead the researcher towards obtaining information that explains the human behavior. They assist in obtaining information that explains why and how certain phenomena occur in an individual’s
Friday, October 18, 2019
Palm Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Palm Overview - Essay Example This paper is prepared with the objective of providing a clear understanding regarding the strategic position of Palm Inc. The paper includes mission and vision of the company. In addition to these the paper also contains the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of Palm Inc. Palm Inc. California based Palm Inc was established in the year 1992. Till July, 2005 the company was known as PalmOne Inc. (Business Week, No Date). The company provides mobile products to its individual as well as business customers who are spread throughout the world. It is popular for offering integrated technologies that allow people in staying connected with friends, families and colleagues. Thanks to these technologies, customers of Palm Inc. are enabled to share and access all the important and latest information and hence manage their everyday lives more effectively. The company employs almost 1000 people (Business Week, No Date). Current Situation Mission & Vision During the early days Palmà ¢â‚¬â„¢s main mission was to become a leader in the software market for handheld computers as well as for various other communication devices (Butter & Pogue, 2002). With the passage of time, the company has broadened its view. It has thought beyond becoming a leading software maker in the world of handheld computer. At present, the company’s vision is improving and enhancing the daily lives of individuals and organizations. The company aims to enable it’s customers to access and share any type of information through various advance mode of communication at any time from anywhere in the world (Tiffany & Peterson, 2007). Strengths Palm Inc. is mainly known for smart phones. It is one of the leading names in the world of ‘Personal Digital Assistants’ (Ogg, E. 2010). The company has an exclusive brand identity due to its strong presence in the market of handheld computers. In fact there was a time when the company used to dominate also 70% of the handheld com puter market in US (Ogg, E. 2010). As a result, it can be said that the company has reasonably strong brand image in the mobile communication market. After being acquired by a big company like HP, Palm is certainly in a better position now. HP is known to be one of the biggest companies in the computer manufacturing industry. It has strong presence in all the major PC markets in the world. Palm is expected to get all the possible financial support from HP to complete its major projects. Furthermore, the excellent brand image of HP is likely to help the company in the process of selling its products in the global markets. Palm Inc deals with high end technologies and it has enough technical expertise to challenge the big brands like Apple, Microsoft and Google. With the help of HP, the company can improve its technological base and come up with new advanced high end products for its customers. The famous webOS of Palm is still one of the best operating systems that are ever designed specifically for various mobile applications. The company is also famous for the creation of Pre which is considered as one of the best smart phones in the world (Saitto and Levy, 2010). Weaknesses Palm Inc., one of the most innovative companies in the high end computer
Seismic engineering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Seismic engineering - Research Paper Example The occurrence of earthquakes is mainly in the areas that happen to be on the edges of tectonic plates. As the brittle structure of the plates hit each other in its movement over the softer lower layers, the shock waves travel through the crust of the earth in the form of earthquakes (Walker 2007). This is now detailed event specific on how an earthquake happens. There might be a variety of ways that plates brush against each other causing an earthquake. This is directly in relation to the geological setting of these plates which will be described in the specific case ahead. Taking the 2005 Kashmir earthquake as an example, it is simple to understand how geological settings of plates influence the earthquake zones and the damage caused. Killing over 80,000 people in Pakistan and over 1,000 in India as well as leaving over 4 million people without homes, the earthquake was one of the devastating contemporary earthquakes ( Roza, 2007). Earthquake matching the size of this one impact human civilization at range of fronts (Roza, 2007). Pakistan has been labeled as being vulnerable to seismic events in general and has experienced earthquakes from time to time (Kakar 2008) because of its position over the edge of the Indian plate (Khan 2000). The Indian plate runs through the full length of the country (Khan 2000) making many areas of the region in the most affected zones of the earthquakes. Research alludes, the higher the presence of plates (and hence the plate boundaries) is, the higher the earthquakes occur in the region (Ford & Taylor 2006). This has been exemplified by the comparison that Pacific ocean has more earthquakes since it has more tectonic plates than the Atlantic ocean (Ford & Taylor 2006). The plate movement is slow enough to be measurable in centimeters a year yet the interaction, scraping and the hitting of plates even at that pace is enough to cause seismic events that have significan t effect on the earth’s surface (Ford & Taylor 2006). The Himalayan mountain range, which itself has been born out of the seismic instability from the plates’ interaction, has had the same reasons for its birth in that specific region as that of the plate tectonics. The geological tectonic setting is such that any plate collision results in earthquakes along the fault lines which go right through the length of the country (Khan 2000). Reports attributed more than 978 aftershocks to the earthquake on daily basis (ReliefWeb 2005) that were at times of greater magnitude than the earthquake itself. Sudden slip events at the plate edges cause the shocks that travel through the length of the fault lines (Hubenthal et. al 2008). The elasticity of the earth’s crust
Summary Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Summary - Article Example Rational signals or laws may just spur them to do worse while making their misdeeds look appealing. There is hue and cry on what should be done. The media firmly supports disarmament although many will be left defenseless . Aspiring politicians further bend the sandy hook tragedy denouncing ownership of firearms for their own career boost (Domenech 45). According to Grant Duwe’s research, both mass murders and homicides have dropped since 1960s. Criminologist, Fox also shows that mass shootings victims have been roughly consistence with margins being credited as sheer coincidence or copycats. As appalling as these murders are, these culprits are not responsible for 1% of the nation’s homicide cases. Criminology studies also support Duwe’s research accusing the media of not laying the true facts of mass murder ignoring the most prevalent cause of death. Political fires are brewing with Senator Diane proposing an ineffectual bill to ban 120 firearms. The bill would also force government seizure of previously bought firearms. In addition debating this bill will ensue in reactions from lawful gun owners. Piers Mogan agrees with democrats blaming the policies that allow gun ownership as a vent of causing violence and denounces the 2nd amendment. Focusing on the UK a handgun ban in 1998 following a shooting massacre was unprecedentedly followed by a rise in serious crime. Shocking as this may be in 2011 the number of legal gun ownership went up by a third and coincidentally the number of gun related crimes dropped by 74%. Majority of shootings is however classified by place and race. Statistics show that 58% of the crimes were in large cities and done mostly by blacks. This represents 16% of the homicide victims. There is no comprehension however of the weapons that the villains use. Research shows that in 2% of gun crimes assault weapons are carried. Adam Lanza used the ar-15 rifle which takes a standard 223-caliber bullet. The rifles used by La kota and Arapaho Indians fired bullets almost 10 times larger than the.223. The caliber does not however determine the lethality of the gun. Others argue that the main issue is the mental health system to not giving proper care to the mentally ill. Steps may be undertaken to ensure they do not possess guns but hurrying to committing to the mentally unstable has its cons: having them bear a lifetime penalty for transgressions never to be committed. The Secret History of Guns Supporters of gun rights argue that the second amendment gives right to gun ownership but portrays no regulation. Advocates still do not support the amendment arguing it covers state militias and is not strong enough to mandate disarmament. The founders of the nation made hard-core gun laws that denied ownership to many people. Individual allowed to own guns had to report regular musters for gun inspection registered on public rolls. According to newton the civil rights movement caused more violence. Malcolm x an d the panthers however argued for their gun ownership right based on the constitution. Guns became a piece of their identity. Luther’s application to own a firearm after his house bombing was denied .The panthers started giving public display of their firearms. Once Newton was stopped by Oakland police to show his gun but he vehemently refused grounding his rights. No arrest was made. The event inspired the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
What is political legitimacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
What is political legitimacy - Essay Example John Locke’s view of political legitimacy emphasizes the necessity of respect for human rights and transfer of authority based on consent for effective public administration. Plato was philosopher and a mathematician during the Classical Greece. He was also an influential figure in the philosophy of the West. Plato, in The Republic, declared that an ideal society ought to be run by a council of philosopher-kings (Plato & Cornford 22). Plato recommended that philosophers needed to do a thorough learning of the world prior to making their way into leadership at the age of fifty. According to Plato, the best form of political legitimacy constitutes the moral reordering of the whole society. Plato, thus, implied that moral societies are dedicated to returning to the best ways of doing things in order to be the best version through which the society can be idealistic and achieve perfect governance. Locke proposes that after the establishment of a social contract, the first act of the government is creating different branches of the government. Lock suggested that the optimum number of government branches should be three as this could ensure maximum peace and protection (Rawls & Freeman 53). When people are assured of their protection, there are high chances of increased productivity because there is no fear of security threats. Peace in a country is the primary determinant of security and protection; therefore, the government should strive to use its machinery to ensure prevalence of peace and tranquility in the states. The Republic by Plato is actually an investigation at the harmonic justice that should be afforded to human beings and the balance required to establish the moral health of the soul. Plato believed that search for political legitimacy is not streamlined since it constitutes a journey within using the models of ideal state,
Company Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Company Analysis Paper - Essay Example Dell has been successful in the computer industry while other companies such as Sony and Toshiba have not made as much as Dell. In the computer industry the products that are produced have a very short life cycle and for this reason products quickly become obsolete. Toshiba and Sony have only tried to make a steady supply of their products but in the computer industry this is not very important, what is important in the computer industry is flexibility. Flexibility means that a volume of one product is supplied quickly and when there is a change in technology a company must switch quickly and offer the new product to the market.1 Dell has succeeded in changing their products when a new technology emerges. This is followed by a well organised supply chain where products are offered in the market, for this reason therefore Dell has been successful due to their quick adoption to new technology that emerge in the production of computers and computer products. The other reason why Dell has been successful is the adoption of a sophisticated supply network, Dell products are shipped directly from the supplier to the end customer, customers will only order their products and they are directly delivered to them, this has ensured a very effective supply chain which has led to the success of Dell, its competitors like Toshiba and Sony have not adopted such supply networks and for this reason they have not been in a position to succeed in this industry.2 Performance measures in the computer industry: Performance measures are those indicators that help a company to define and measure the progress of the company, the computer industry has come up with benchmarks to measure performance, the Raw speed is one of benchmark used to measure performance in this industry, it is a measure from SPEC which stands for standard performance evaluation Corp, this benchmark measures the central processing unit, however this measure does not consider how fast data can be retrieved from the hard disk and this measure is complicated. Another test checks the CPU integer performance. This means checking how the CPU handles simple tasks, the other measure is the SPECINT95 which checks how the product handles complex mathematics. Another performance measure is the graphic performance benchmark, it is aimed at measuring how fast computers will run graphic intensive applications, and the graphic performance measure is provided by the GPC which stands for Graphic performance committee. Project two: SWOT analysis: Strengths: Strength of the Dell company is that the company offer customised products to its consumers, the company products are built to order, the customer orders and he or she is shipped the product, for this reason therefore the customer gets what he or she wants, this is a strength through which the company is able to communicate with its customers and they are able to understand their needs which is a key to success in every business. The other strength is the introduction of internet order of products, customers order through the internet which enable a swift and improved distribution process, this also enables the expansion of value added services, through the introduction
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
What is political legitimacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
What is political legitimacy - Essay Example John Locke’s view of political legitimacy emphasizes the necessity of respect for human rights and transfer of authority based on consent for effective public administration. Plato was philosopher and a mathematician during the Classical Greece. He was also an influential figure in the philosophy of the West. Plato, in The Republic, declared that an ideal society ought to be run by a council of philosopher-kings (Plato & Cornford 22). Plato recommended that philosophers needed to do a thorough learning of the world prior to making their way into leadership at the age of fifty. According to Plato, the best form of political legitimacy constitutes the moral reordering of the whole society. Plato, thus, implied that moral societies are dedicated to returning to the best ways of doing things in order to be the best version through which the society can be idealistic and achieve perfect governance. Locke proposes that after the establishment of a social contract, the first act of the government is creating different branches of the government. Lock suggested that the optimum number of government branches should be three as this could ensure maximum peace and protection (Rawls & Freeman 53). When people are assured of their protection, there are high chances of increased productivity because there is no fear of security threats. Peace in a country is the primary determinant of security and protection; therefore, the government should strive to use its machinery to ensure prevalence of peace and tranquility in the states. The Republic by Plato is actually an investigation at the harmonic justice that should be afforded to human beings and the balance required to establish the moral health of the soul. Plato believed that search for political legitimacy is not streamlined since it constitutes a journey within using the models of ideal state,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Positive psychology Essay Example for Free
Positive psychology Essay The idea and the purpose behind the field of positive psychology is not to cure patients of mental illnesses but to make a normal persons life more fulfilling and more satisfactory. Positive psychology has to do with human happiness, cheerfulness and an optimistic attitude in life on the whole. This branch of psychology works on strengthening personal resolve and character building. It is essentially a specialized field and a fancy name for what was already being practiced by counselors. In my opinion, adding this branch of psychology demonstrates the growing need for care before cure. Psychologists realize the nature of mental illnesses in this day and age. They are concerned with the rapid increase in the number of patients. Hence in order to keep the rest of the population feeling positive about themselves, psychologists have come to realize that they need to boost the people’s morale to prevent an onset of a mental illness such as depression, which more often than not can easily go unnoticed. Research shows that the phrase, â€Å"laughter- the best medicine†, actually stands true. Laughing, smiling, praising someone on their work and generally feeling satisfied in life rather than unsatisfied and ungrateful are the key elements of positive psychology. If the mind’s happy, the body stays happy. It is the simple application of the ancient concept of the brain controlling the body. For instance when I am at work, instead of constantly worrying about when I will be getting my promotion, if I am happy that I get to work fewer hours than Bob then my positive attitude will actually help me enjoy my work more. Similarly worrying less about silly things like my favorite cookies being out of stock in the market will do wonders for me on the whole. It’ll make me a more relaxed person, someone who is more approachable and someone who can radiate positive energy into the environment around him. It’ll be my way of giving back to the community.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The American Anti Slavery Society History Essay
The American Anti Slavery Society History Essay Talking about the Abolitionism in the USA and social, psychological and organizational mechanisms that made it possible we should learn a lot of conformed to this theme literature in order to understand all the difficulties. However, this definition is not new, each of us, at least, once has heard it. For a long time people are committing crimes. Even ancient humanity understood the importance of existence of some kind of law, which can protect people from crimes, prevent them and forbid actions dangerous to others. Nowadays it calls law. For a very long time now, laws were made in order to realize self-protection, thus stronger people could have done anything they want with weaker men. Time passed, obviously, society progressed, improved and transformed. The need for law is an approved fact. However, it could not protect us from everything. Unfortunately, we are none of us always good and we all (at least once at life) do bad things. Now it is obvious to everyone that, to make law succeed and stop the crimes, there must be rules, which we must follow, not ignore. Of course, laws we have, are not perfect and sometimes even contradictory, however we are better off with such laws, than if we had none at all. However, even the law could not stop and prevent the Slavery, Genocide and Wars. To be honest, to understand all details of history process, we must study it separately. Only in this case there is a possibility that in the end of studying we will catch the whole idea and the main standpoints. The abolition is the movement being struggle the freedom of slavery. I will try to explain you as well as it is possible, through out this writing. The development and expansion of the abolition The first call to abolition slavery in USA took place in 1688. In 1838 1870, the abolition occupied the whole world. The British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (BFASS) were created to struggle for the slavery destroys. Then in 1840 the first World Anti-Slavery Convention in London appeared, there were even women, who wanted to fight for rights and freedoms. In 1850 this organization numbered even more women then men. The article named African Slavery in America written in 1775 by Thomas Paine was seemed to be the first one, which advocated abolishing slavery and giving the freedom to the slaves in the United States of America. Blue has stated that the American Anti-Slavery Society was established in 1833, but abolitionist sentiment antedated the republic. For example, the charter of Georgia prohibited slavery, and many of its settlers fought a losing battle against allowing it in the colony (113). Literature started talking about abolitionism in 1820. Abolition is said to be total and immediate. It must be abolished the slavery of the whole USA. According to Gellman, American abolitionism began very early, well before the United States was founded as a nation. Although excellent studies of the abolition movement exist, further research in the Librarys manuscripts could document the lesser-known individuals who formed the movements core. Other promising topics include the roles of women and black abolitionists and the activities of state and local abolitionist societies (43). 1 January 1863 donated the Emancipation Proclamation to American people, after this event abolitionists movement did not stop to fight for freedoms and rights of slaves, especially for black Americans. The passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, which occurred in 1865, actually finished slavery in the United States of America. Talking about abolitionists, should be mentioned that 2 women played maybe the bigger role in the struggling for the freedom of slaves then men. Thus, I think it will be appropriately to tell about womens suffrage movement, which cont inued the abolition campaign. Womens suffrage movement: 1866-1903 What the womens suffrage movement is and who started it? It is the womens right to vote. Chafe stated that it includes, however, the economic and political reform movement aimed at extending suffrage to women, on an equal basis to those for men and without any restrictions or qualifications such as property ownership, payment of tax or marital status (page 34). It is obvious, that this movement started in the 19th century, while the west of the United States was open and divided into vast territories. I think the suffrage movement must have been started much earlier, because women were gaining knowledge and receiving education on the same level as men were. Women became participants of reform movements and they take increased interest in politics. Thus, one question appeared and troubled minds of people: why do women and men are not the same in rights, especially in vote right? Consequently, the movement started. The one of the most active womens were being involved in suffrage movement was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, including Lucretia Mott, who issued a call for a convention concerning the rights of women. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was also the principal author of the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence. The seventy-year struggle by women to secure the right to vote began in July. Stanton was a social activist and abolitionist in United States of America; she was also the leader of the early suffrage movement. The declaration Stanton created is often credited with initiating the first organized womans rights in USA. She is definitely the most effective activist in fighting for win property rights and freedoms for married women. The divorce laws were liberalized thanks to her actions. Such important reforms allow women to leave marriages, which seemed to be abusive of the children, the wife, and the economic familys condition. Conclusion In conclusion, the inference let us summarize and sum up all the information we are going to discuss. New approaches in learning such events, I believe, will give advantages and privileges in the whole system of understanding the history events, and will help people to be adapted to the life better, than now. The slavery and discrimination have been almost overcome in modern society. The Suffrage Womens Movement solved many problems of womens discrimination. Elizabeth Cady Stanton is definitely important and significant in the history of womens rights and independence. Such person should not be forgotten. The problems, which are highlighted in this project, have worried society for many years and the lightest minds of humanity were solving them. In order not to lost in thoughts they summarized, analyzed and put in some order all the information they have had. Nowadays, it is easy to find needed information. To decide what place this theme occurs in your life and your mind you should only think about it. The abolitionists did lot of work, they struggled for the rights and freedoms of slaves from all over the world. They succeed. Nowadays slavery is destroyed and people are free.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Early History of Golf in the U.S. Essay -- Golf Sports Athletics E
The game of golf is one of the oldest of today’s modern sports. Its exact beginnings are not known; however, some historians trace golf back to the Stone Age while others claim it originated from the â€Å"idle antics of shepherd boys knocking small stones into holes in the ground with a crook while their flocks grazed nearby†(Peper 1). Researched back to the time of the Roman Empire, it is also believed the sports-oriented Romans played a forerunner of the game of golf called paganica. This sport involved the use of a bent stick and a ball stuffed with wool played in the open countryside. Golf comes to the United Sates The legendary beginnings of golf in the United States can be traced back to the mid-1600s. One of the first published references to golf in America was in 1659 referring to the ban on golf in the streets of Albany, New York. The next substantial reference to the game comes from Charleston, North Carolina in 1786. At that time, a local Charleston newspaper ran a story about the formation of the Harleston Green Golf Club. The Harleston Green remained in operation for approximately twenty-five years, closing about the time of the War of 1812. Around the same time period, approximately1795, another golf club opened in Savannah, Georgia. References to this golf club continued until 1811 again apparently closing just before the beginning of the war. The War of 1812 served to destroy the desire to play golf. It wasn’t until the late 1870s, well after the Civil War ended, that there was a resurgence of golf in the United States. Golf fever springs up throughout the United States Charles Macdonald was an early founder of American golf. He recalled playing golf in the Chicago area as early as 1875. Another promoter of golf, a young man named Andrew Bell from Burlington, Iowa, was initially exposed to golf when he went to Scotland to attend the University of Edinburgh. Upon his return to the United States in 1883, he laid out four informal golf holes on the family farm and played a few rounds with his friends. In 1884 Colonel Hamilton Gillispie, a former Scotsman who went into the lumber business in Florida, was known to hit golf balls in a field that is now the main street of Sarasota (History of Golf 7). Also in 1884, the Oakhurst Golf Club was formed in North Carolina now famous for it’s first hole from the Club’s Homestead course, celebrated to... ...ip. Today, the USGA membership exceeds 5,500 clubs throughout the United States. Golf, being one of the oldest of today’s modern sports, thrives in popularity continuing to entice young and old, male and female, rich and poor players. Works Cited Simpson, W.G. â€Å"The Origin of Golf.†A Tribute to Golf. Ed. Thomas Stewart. Harbor Springs, Michigan: Stewart, Hunter, and Associates. 1990. 78. Golf Magazine’s Encyclopedia of Golf. The Editors of Golf Magazine. New York, NY: Harper-Collins 1993. Doyle, Kathleen. â€Å"In John Reid’s Cow Pasture.†Sports in America. Sept. 1988: 34-38. Peper, George. â€Å"The Father of American Golf.†Golf Magazine. Dec. 1995. 118. Peper, George. â€Å"Birth of the USGA.†Golf Magazine. Dec. 1994. 124. Hannigan, Frank. â€Å"The History of the game of Golf.†Golf Digest Magazine. Jan. 2000. 171. Fields, Bill. â€Å"Changing the course of history.†Golf Digest Magazine. Sept. 1999. 17. McCord, Robert, R. Golf: an album of its history. Short Hills, NJ: Burford Books. 1998. Anderson, David. The story of golf. New York: W. Morrow. 1998. Menzies, Gordon. World of golf. New York: Bantam. 1982.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
A Woman’s Place in Society Explored in Marge Piercy’s Barbie Doll Essay
     Society has a way of placing unrealistic expectations on women. By using television, magazines, billboards, and even toys we see a mold of what women are supposed to look like. In other words the perfect woman should look like a Barbie Doll. In Marge Piercy’s, â€Å"Barbie Doll,†we find a girl child growing up through the adolescence stage characterized by appearances and barbarity. Piercy uses lots of imagery to describe the struggles the girl experiences during her teenage years and the effects that can happen.      In the first stanza we see the beginning of an ideal image being stained in the girls mind. She was â€Å"...presented dolls that did pee-pee and miniature GE ovens and irons and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy†(2-4). By being presented these gifts the girls parents have already instilled a visualization of what the perfect woman is like and the girl is already learning her place in society. The poem was written in 1936. In this day and age women were still seen as objects and not really people. Their place was in the kitchen and taking care of the kids. Piercy has painted an image to the reader of a little girl playing with toy stoves and irons and wearing red lipstick to make herself pretty.      The tone of the poem takes a turn toward a more bold statement when the author uses â€Å"...the magic of puberty†(5) to describe the age where appearance comes into effect. The girl was insulted by a classmate who made humiliating comments about her nose and...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Gender Disparity a Menace in Society Essay
Gender Disparity a Menace in our society. â€Å"All men were created equal.†How about women then? It is a sad reality that gender is still a basis for inequality in many parts of the world, especially in our nation. India remains the lowest ranked among BRIC countries in the Global Gender Gap index. It ranks 105 out of 135 countries. Health, Education, and Economic participation of women have India at its worst among BRIC countries. It ranks among the lowest when it comes to infant mortality and malnutrition among girls. Almost 8 million and more missing girls with demographers projecting that by the year 2020 there would be 28 to 31 million surplus males in the 15 – 35 age group. The roots of this lie in the very ego men have been holding since the dawn of civilization. Women are equated with sensitive, nurturing, cunning or wily and men with strength, courage, aggressiveness and Dominance amongst others. At least in India, a woman still needs the anchor of a husband. India has witnessed gender inequality from its early history due to its socio-economic and religious practices that resulted in a wide gap between the position of men and women in the society. Clearly, then gender gaps that are widespread in access to basic rights, access to and control of resources, in economic opportunities and also in power and political voice are an impediment to development. There are so many Crimes happening against Women and yet they are to be blamed for the crimes. Rape, sexual harassment even extreme violence is blamed on the woman, for travelling alone, for wearing â€Å"inappropriate†clothes, for daring to cross invisible boundaries. Women have always been considered to carry on the domestic work in our society. From cooking food to caring for the children and old of the house, from washing clothes to cleaning the house†¦. these are the things that our society expects and has been expecting from women. The men are considered the â€Å"Alpha†of the house, they are the only one fit to earn, step out of the doorsteps and experience the â€Å"Masculine†world as we say. But there is another side of the coin, well not so severe as with the women but still, nowadays even men fall prey to this gender disparity. Here are some examples, ridiculing of Male nurses, Stay at home dads, Male domestic servants etc. All of this just makes me think, what have we actually become? Is this what God created us for? To discriminate and subjugate women under such orthodox beliefs, Can women never enjoy the same freedom and security that men have? What we need today are trends where girls are able not only to break out of the culturally determined patterns of employment but also to offer advice about career possibilities that look beyond the traditional pail of Jobs. It is surprising that in spite of so many laws, women still continue to live under stress and strain. To ensure equality of status for our women we still have miles to go, but as it’s said, â€Å"A spark is all that’s needed to ignite a fire, to ignite a revolution of change†. Thus, it is rightly said – Man and Woman are like two wheels of a carriage. The life of one without the other is incomplete.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Warhead Cable Test Dilemma
Question 1 According to Kohlberg's moral development theory, Stanton Wong moral development should be at post-conventional level, where it is believed that caring for other is everyone's obligation. It is because he is concerning with the well being of the innocent civilians and the military personnel if a faulty missile misfired. Beside that, he also thinking a method of solving the problem so that everyone is cared for equally and nobody will harmed by the faulty cable. For Harry Jackson, he stage of moral development is at the pre-conventional level. At this level, self-interest is emphasized and values are adhered to in order to avoid punishment and also be rewarded. It can be proved by his intentionally to ignore the result of the product test and do not take action to correct the problem. It is because he does not think of the well being of the civilians and military personnel because he more worries about getting punishment from higher up if the warhead cable cant be deliver on time to the customer. From here we can see that he emphasis on his self-interest more than the values of other people. Question 2 I think Stanton Wong should report the test result to the customer's source inspector, Jane Conway first and ask Jane to perform additional sample testing. I think it can help to convince Harry Jackson to stop the cable for shipping out for the customer if Jane found out there is a problem occurred on the cable. If Harry still refuse to solve the problem, then Stanton should report the case to the top management who have the power to change Harry's decision. One of the ethical reasoning is logic, it means before we can conclude or make a judgement , we have to ensure that premise, either factual or inferred, are know and clear. In this case, I think it is logical for Stanton to report the problem to authorities if the faulty items could harm innocence and also because he cares about the civilians and armed forces. Accuracy is one of the ethical reasoning, it means whatever evidence cited to support our judgement should be accurate, relevant, and complete. So, before he reports to top management, he should ask the source inspector to run additional test to ensure the previous test result is accurate and certainly. The other criteria of ethical reasoning is consistency. It states whatever decision a person made or action taken should consistent with his or her moral values. Thus, Stanton should makes a decision that does not contrary with his moral values. Question 3 Currently, I think he should not be a whistle-blower. Because there are several methods to solve this problem internally,such as informing the problem to top management and thus he should not involve public media in solving this problem. Beside that, he should considers his role as an employee. As a employee, his role is creating values for the company or help the company the achieve its goals. If he blows the whistle on his own company, it will defame the company plus he might get fired or distrust by his colleagues. At the meantime, it might consider unethical to be a whistle-blower because it doesn't bring any positive values for company and may against the conducts as an employee. In addition, the effect may cause to the company if the scandal concern a company leak out is always out of estimation, so he should not risk his career and the fame of his company since there are other methods can be use to solve this problem. Question 4 The company already have the protocol in testing and reporting of product tests. The company could heavily punish those who do not follow the protocol to avoid this kind of situation. In additional, the company should be careful when hiring the plant manager. They should hire someone with good moral values such as honesty and sincerity. Beside that, they should make sure the plant manager is open-minded, and with good interpersonal or people management skills. It can help to prevent this kind of situation because a open-minded manager able to listen to advices or opinions and making wise decision based on evidences. Beside that, a manager with good interpersonal or people management skills could enhance the performance of the employees and this increase the quality of the product. Furthermore, I think the company can give the quality control supervisor the power to stop or adjust the production if product failure occurred. It is often costly to reproduce the product when it was finished. Thus, the company should allow the quality control supervisor to find out and solve the problem instantly without waiting further instruction from plant manager.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Civil disobedience Essay
In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay â€Å"Self Reliance†and Henry David Thoreau’s essay â€Å"Civil Disobedience,†both transcendentalist thinkers speak about being individual and what reforms and changes need to be made in a conformist society. Thoreau elaborates more on the relationship between individuality and society and to break free from conformity. Meaning to take a stance and influence man to make a social change. Emerson leans more towards nature and the connection to spirituality. He exclaims that for individuality there has to be some sort of understanding of oneself to make an impact – which is the basic nature. He believes that man’s connection to nature is the most valuable source of life because nature is what links man to God, â€Å"the divine providence.†Both authors express the need for individuality in order to possess a strong moral and become whole through their transcendentalist ideals. In Emerson’s â€Å"Self-Reliance,†social responsibility is important. The meaning behind this is that there is a time in man’s life when he will finally realize that he has a purpose, a destiny, and the responsibility to achieve goals as long as there is a tap into spiritual nature. Emerson states, â€Å"The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone,†which references the belief of individualism. Emerson notes that famous men and women are often misunderstood simply because of their opinion, ideas, and thoughts; however, this misunderstanding is why they are so respected. One large point in â€Å"Self Reliance†is that humans should not conform to society but to be independent in mind. Emerson stresses that one should connect with nature to maintain peace of mind and individual mentality. In â€Å"Civil Disobedience,†Thoreau meets a man while serving time in prison who has been locked away for burning down a barn. Even so, Thoreau sees his cellmate as an honest man by simply trusting his own intuition. Furthermore, Thoreau writes, â€Å"The government is best which governs least,†in lines 2-3, which is based on the belief that people should not conform to society but stay independent and embrace their own beliefs, goals, values, and morals. Both â€Å"Self Reliance†and â€Å"Civil Disobedience†are relevant in modern society because they discourage conformity, which is a big problem in the world today. Humans tend to lean with the majority, but should be taught to stand their ground. Both essays also mention the government and the problems involved in it. Since they were written, government has not improved; it may have even worsened. Government is best when it governs least- that perspective should still be applied to today’s government. Now, the government tries to constantly control every aspect in everyone’s life, but like Thoreau states, it should allow its people to decide major issues.
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